Monday, June 30, 2014

Fingers crossed folks

I'm not saying Avondale has a habit of changing it's mind but........

just keep your fingers crossed.

It's a fantastic music venue, I got to see The Dixie Tramps there (I love you Kevin Elrod :))

Old Towne Cinema In Avondale Estates Will Be A Music Venue

[Image via Google Streetview.]
Avondale Estates! Are you ready to rock?! (Very quietly, of course.) Decaturishreports that city commissioners from Avondale Estates, the land of adorable tudors and horrific speed traps, approved an application yesterday for a plan to transform the city's old Towne Cinema into a music venue. The building has been a private residence, a post office, the city hall, the Nickel & Dime Recording Studio and a 500-seat theater during its 89-year life but has been sitting vacant for quite some time. It was purchased along with the rest of the tudor village for $1.1 million in 2012 and has been looking for someone with the right vision ever since. Last June, Birmingham lawyer Stewart Wilbanks dropped the idea of opening a music venue in the space, saying he didn't have time for a project of that size. This year, roadie and Sister Hazel merch dude (yes, that Sister Hazel) Tony Longval is bringing the dream back to life. He's got three investors, a plan and buckets of enthusiasm.
Longval hopes to start work within two months and have the first of three phases finished six to seven months after that, so don't go buying your tickets just yet. His crew will restore the balcony, turn the old projector room into a speakeasy serving cocktails and tapas and install "some of the best [soundproofing] in the world."
Once the remodel is complete, he hopes the venue will provide an intimate setting for acoustic shows by "national, semi-national and up-and-coming artists." That sounds like Eddie's Attic Part II until you read the rest of Longval's plan, which sounds like he is open to just about anything, including but not limited to jazz, pop, rock, country, blues, Broadway, improv, theater, kids events, private events such as video shoots, tv shows, movie shoots and weddings. So anything. Well, anything EXCEPT for a nightclub. Avondale officials were so concerned about the possibility of a raging club ending up in their tudor village (the venue will be open until 2 a.m.) that they went allFootloose and approved the plan under the condition that there is to be no designated dance floor.
Parking is one of the project's primary obstacles. With just 13 parking spacesout front and 26 in the rear, Longval is hoping that the city goes through with plans to lease a nearby MARTA lot that could add 150 spaces.

Chute happens....

hehehehehe ;)

Evacuation slide deploys midair 

on United flight

By Joe Sutton, CNN
updated 6:34 AM EDT, Mon June 30, 2014

(CNN) -- A United Airlines flight was forced to land in Wichita, Kansas, after the evacuation slide accidentally deployed midair Sunday, the airline said.
The Boeing 737 was carrying 96 passengers and five crew members. It was on its way from Chicago O'Hare International Airport to John Wayne Airport in Orange County, California.
The slide opened inside the rear of the cabin.
Evacuation slide deploys midair
"I heard this pop. I turn around and the slide was open," passenger Michael Schroeder said.
There were no injuries, United spokeswoman Christen David said.
"All passengers were seated at the time the slide deployed. A passenger did not attempt to open the door in flight," David said.
Schroeder said the plane didn't appear to lose cabin pressure and "the crew was pretty calm about it."
"Every landing you walk away from is a good one," he added.
In November, a JetBlue plane on its way to Boston was diverted to Orlando after an evacuation slide opened in flight.


Now this is a sport I can get behind :)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Cockneys vs Zombies

If you have never seen this movie stop what you are doing and go watch it NOW!!!

It is hilarious and truly what a zombie movie should be.

Zombies take over East End and the survivors must fight them off with an enormous amount of automatic weapons and a samurai is AWESOME!!

It's funny as hell plus you get your fill of the beautiful cockney accent
Lets face it, cockney and the accents of the deep, deep south are two of the greatest accents on the planet why do you think America loves Downton Abbey so much.

When you run out of options......................

go to Florida

I have no idea what it is about Florida but it just seems to screw your head back on.

I don't know if it's the oppressive heat, the meth-heads, the college drunks or the old folks just waiting to check-out, but something about the "craziness" of Florida puts it all back in perspective.

Maybe it's the wife beater, jean short combo that is so prevalent in these parts.
Whatever it is, it has healing properties.

Long story sort, your fearless heroine is single once again. :(
As much as I tried to be okay with the "didn't even make it off the ground" ending of my most recent relationship I'm not handling it so well.

There are many other factors but the "I'm going to die alone" pity party has been playing pretty loud in the old noggin this past week.
When Kel said "let's just go to Florida" Friday afternoon I assumed he was talking out of both sides of his mouth.
"we can be there in 5 hours, what is there to think about.....get in the effing car"
I can't go to Florida, who will watch the cat, I don't have any clothes, where will we stay.......

"The cat can live for two days on dry food and water, you need a bathing suit, flip flops and a pair of shorts in case we go somewhere "fancy" for dinner.......we are grown a$$ adults with credit cards we will find a hotel and besides, you used to take off to places like Tokyo and Paris with less notice.....what the hell happened!!"

He was right. I did used to be the crazy, spontaneous one. Hell my old motto was "I'll sleep when I'm dead"
Seriously..........what happened.

They twisted my arm and we made it the Redneck Riviera in record time. Actually found a really nice hotel and did absolutely nothing all weekend.
It was fantastic and I feel a little better. (yes, the pity party is still there.....I got dumped, it sucks....give me some time.......jeesh)

Good Morning

Yea, that's the good stuff right there

No, that's not my foot

Friday, June 27, 2014

and here's a bunny

Post Modern Collapse

You've heard me go on and on about them (hey.....I say good things too) once again may I present for your funny bone pleasure

Cash only folks and the show starts promptly at 800ish, really depends on when the smoke breaks end ;)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Arden's Gardens

So I'm not supposed to eat spinach, or kale, or any dark green leafy vegetable.

Along with all the other crap the kidneys are wonky and I'm on an experimental drug (scarier than it sounds) so for the time spinach.

Piece of cake, I mean it's not like they said "don't have a piece of cake", they said don't eat spinach
Righto, that is A OKAY, I can do that standing on my head.

So what do I wake up craving this morning..........Arden's Garden smoothie.

Yup blueberries, spinach with a scoop of it and totally craving it.
Craving a spinach smoothie......ok body that's enough.....time to be normal again.....thanks.

But I can have beet juice.
No seriously, it's awesome :)

I'm a lucky girl


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

VAHI.....back in the day

These are great (but I do take slight offense to 1987 being referred to as a "Flashback".........)

Sak Yant (Thai for OUCH)

I mentioned awhile ago that my amazing friend DC is in Thailand training (and fighting).

Well today this showed up in the inbox

This is a Sak Yant, a traditional tattoo method using a bamboo or metal spike sharpened to a fine point.
Sak means "to tap" so yeah, they basically take this spike and manually tap into your flesh until you have a tattoo..............................enjoy your breakfast :)

DC, you are the MAN (or insane.....the jury is still out ;))

Monday, June 23, 2014

Modern art.......

it's not only confusing but can be dangerous.

American Student Ends Up Trapped in Giant Vagina Sculpture

MAINZ, Germany -- Call it a stimulating study-abroad experience. An American exchange student sparked an "extraordinary rescue mission" when his leg became trapped inside a giant vagina sculpture. "It was a dare," fire department squad leader Markus Mozer told NBC News. "The young man had tried to pose for an unusual photo and climbed into the artwork."
A total of 22 rescue workers with special equipment were deployed to the scene in the southern Germany city of Tuebingen on Friday to free the 20-year-old but a “forceps delivery was not necessary," local newspaper Schwaebisches Tagblatt noted. "We were able to pull the victim out with our bare hands after about 30 minutes," Mozer added. The six-foot replica of female genitalia was installed 13 years ago outside the microbiology and virology department of the city’s university clinic. It is worth nearly $200,000.
The fire department in the southern German university city of Tuebingen extracted a 20-year old American exchange student after he got trapped inside a giant vagina sculpture.
- Andy Eckardt

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Oh my

Alice is my favorite ;)

These are really cool (and very beautiful in a twisted way)

Show us one person who can't recite the story of Alice in Wonderland, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White or Goldilocks by heart, and we'll show you a baby just born into this world. Because we all grew up learning of the dangerous scenarios these heroines had to endure -- from a wolf dressed as grandma to tumbling down holes deep enough for rabbits and finding unlikely roommates in three bears and seven dwarfs, these stories all paint a very pretty picture of girls lost and found. But what if our four princesses weren't so innocent?
Artist Marilen Adrover imagined just that, re-thinking the folklore as crime stories. Alice's hazy trips, Red's violent attempt at survival, Snow's seductress ways and Goldilocks' "misplaced" keys. How badass do they look now, eh?

Friday, June 20, 2014

In case you were wondering

what to get me for my birthday...........may I suggest......................
It's right around the corner you know.......just sayin

Johnny is a 12 year old Walker gelding.  16.0 hands tall.  He is an EASY keepin', big ol Hunk-a-lunk of burnin' LOVE!!!  GREAT on trails! Sound as a dollar and this big ol' bubba will lick ya to death!  If you are looking for personality... pump your brakes... because YOU'VE FOUND HIM!

You're going to need tissues

Just in case you were unsure of what a real man looks like, let me introduce you to Mr. Carey

McKenzie Michelle Carey is 11 years old. She was born on April 20th, 2002 with a life threatening disease called Mitochondria. Despite her illness, the smile on her face, and the spirit in her eyes is simply infectious and shows that hope really does exist.
In this video, McKenzie is on stage with her father at the Summer PageantFest, and their performance brought tears to my eyes. I’m truly in love with this man and McKenzie, and I hope you are too.
This is what true love is like. This is what being a good father is like.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

"Heads I win......Tales you lose"

#TBT on an Epic scale.

This was so much fun and thanks to The Drummer, SP, Kiera - Princess of Knowledge and "oh sorry, you're new" for the laughs.

PS - if you were not in Atlanta during the late 80's early 90's music scene, this may be the most boring post ever. If you were here.......You are SOOOOO welcome, enjoy

Yep, that's Dave Dickens at L5P Fest

The first time I saw GWAR was 87 or 88 at the Metroplex. SO MUCH FUN!

Who is that strapping young man.....why it's the chinless wonder ;)

The Metroplex. Such a palace. Someone slashed my tires at The Peppers show, I think. Maybe Sonic Youth .....either way.........what a dick

Mr. Crows Garden (yes, they should look familiar)
GWAR, I think this is the Metroplex show, I could be wrong

Sven for some article, 90 I think, maybe 89

Mary My Hope

Mary My Hope

Pershing Point and I think that's Oli

Pershing Point


more Sven

Nonsense, there is no such thing as too much Sven

This is Russell Kings Flikr page.....he is an amazing photographer and really captured that time.

Oh but there's MORE

This video of L5P's is kind of amazing, not as many Docs as I remember but the sun is out so.........
I love this because The Point is featured. I loved The Point, I miss The Point
I met The Drummer at The Point (He still says we met at Metroplex but I don't recall that meeting......drugs are bad mmmmkay)
"we met at the Plex, like three weeks before! I can't believe you don't remember"
Yep.....still bitchin about it to this day :)

HAHA,.....and this is the famous White Dot on Ponce (and the lesser famous Mr. Crows Garden......10 points if you guessed who they morphed into). I remember when Stefan (so sad) worked the door. I still have no idea what that place actually looked like. Darkest bar in Atlanta

And this is Tim Nielsen, Randy Blazak and (I'm almost positive) Cricket (more sad)  way, way back in the day

and because dressing like a ho was cool...............

Ahhhh, memories
Oh Kate, what would I do without you :)

Sunday, June 15, 2014


My father passed over in April, 2008. He's been gone for awhile now but some days it feels like yesterday.

My dad was a great guy, he wasn't the best dad in the world but he was a great guy.

It's not that he was a bad father, he just no idea what to do with me.
If you speak to the bio brother he'll tell you a different story. He and my father bonded, they had football and baseball and golf. They were guys, my dad knew how to deal with guys.
A strong-willed, hormonal, adolescent girl........poor guy didn't have a clue. We could barely speak to each other.

It was hard but as I got older our relationship softened. I lived in New York he lived in Georgia. It's easy to "deal" with each other when it's just once a year.

As time went on, New York began to wear me down and I started to think of coming home. It was strange, I needed a break, I needed a soft place to lay my head for awhile, I needed home.
Unfortunately, no one seemed excited that I was coming home, not my mom, not my friends, no one except my dad.

My dad was excited, genuinely excited. He wanted me to come home. It felt good......hell it felt great.
We talked and emailed about my plans. He helped me set up job interviews and reviewed my updated resume, we were doing something together for the first time.
He helped me pay for the truck, made sure I called him while I was driving home. When I got to his house he let me store the entire contents of my apartment in his basement until I got settled. He even put money towards my new car.

He was finally MY dad and I think he really enjoyed it. When I got my apartment he came over to check it out. He installed a security bar on the sliding door and made sure I had pepper spray for my key chain, it was so nice. Never in my life had I been taken care of like that.
It's something most of my boyfriends complain about. I don't know how to let someone take care of me, I never learned.
That was the first and only year of my life that I let someone love me, really love me.

My fathers death was sudden, completely unexpected. It took something from me.
It took a lot from me.

That last year I had my father I spent a lot of Sundays at his place.
He had a beautiful pool and an outdoor kitchen. He loved to make margaritas and grill while me and the step-monster floated around the pool. I don't recall our last Father's Day together, probably because I spent most of my Sundays with him. I'm sure there were cards but it was probably just pool, grill and margaritas like all our Sundays.

I've been struggling lately. I know my father would be unhappy with how hard I have become.
I have met some amazing men this past year but no one that doesn't scare me.
They either don't really have a job, haven't really ended that last relationship, might be alcoholics or full blown drug addicts. Not all of the men I've met fell into these categories, but the ones I really wanted did.

It's hard to let go of your heart, to trust someone else with it.
I think that's what my dad was trying to do that last year, teach me that it's ok to trust someone else.
To trust that someone else will pick up the slack.

So today Dad I make you a promise.
I'll try to do better.
I'll try not to be so hard.
I'll try to let someone else pick up the slack and trust and expect others to help and love me.
and I'll try really hard to not fall in love with the drug addicts.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


It's interesting how quickly we take things for granted. Not too long ago hearing the voice of your favorite artist, author or musician was very difficult. You couldn't just pop over to YouTube and look it up.
There is something special about hearing the voice of your favorite author or musician. In many cases it can take their work to another level or unlock another meaning.
I am seeing David Sedaris speak Monday and I am very excited so these were extra fun to find this morning.........if you love books like I do this should be exciting.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Greg Germani

I've put this everywhere so I figured here as well.
A great guy was involved in a hit and run in my neighborhood.

The victim is Greg Germani of Atlanta Time Machine fame.

Based on eyewitness accounts this was an intentional hit and run (see the story posted below)

According to the neighborhood buzz the vehicle may be a red Dodge Nitro or similar looking vehicle.

I know people get irritated with bikers, walkers and motorcycles but seriously......these are human beings. If you are that angry, get some help, you obviously need it. Using your vehicle to run down a human being is absolutely insane. This is my neighborhood, these are my streets and my neighbors, I take this very personally. If anyone saw or knows anything about this incident or saw this vehicle yesterday or today please call Det. Robert Jackson APD (404) 816-7067

I didn't get the memo

but I am assuming we are just not worrying about that plane anymore...................

Remember, big plane, Malaysia, disappeared..........
we don't care anymore.....
we do care....
we don't it....good

Just checking

Monday, June 9, 2014


I love a bargain and a great T dress.

Yes, that is what they are called, T dresses
Ask anyone who knows me very well and they will say,
"Oh, that's a T dress" whenever they see one in a catalog or store.
V or scoop neck, empire waist, above the knee......T dress.

Well one of the horrible things about gaining all the "my boyfriend just dumped me, married someone else and then died" weight is that I could not shop at thrift stores.

I know, I know "thrift stores make me itchy", "ewww, you wear used clothes", "I just can't do that"
That's fine you don't have too, but don't get upset when we have on the same White House Black Market dress and I paid $5.00 for mine.
Don't even try to tell me you got it on sale cause even then I know you spent at least $80.00.....and that's a 50% off sale.

Oh yeah, and the really cute one of a kind vintage bag that I'm sporting.......$7.00......BOOM!!

Well with the sporadic running, zero appetite and the "I'm so sorry, there really isn't a whole lot we can do other than make you comfortable" illness I am back into thrift store sizes.

I went to one of the best thrift stores in town Friday just to test things out and was oh so richly rewarded

I left there with a $40.00 bag of treasure.
Anyone who thrifts knows that $40.00 at a thrift store will get you an entire wardrobe.
It was awesome. I have T dresses for days and some in sizes I did not think I would ever see again.

Thank you running, thank you lack of appetite, but mostly thank you, thank you rich ladies of Atlanta.
I will gladly wear your hand-me-downs (and look good doing it)

"You're in a chair in the sky!!"



I love living in town. I realized quite early in my life that I was a city person.
Its not that I don't like the country, I'm just happier in the city.

As a city person I'm usually up on all the pre-planned traffic nightmares that will ruin my life, such as Summerfest.

Summerfest is an arts festival in Virginia Highland and it's really fun. Thousands of suburbanites converge on my neighborhood making it impossible to drive or park. Good times.

Well this year.......I forgot

I forgot, I know, I don't know how, I know I'm getting old but damn.

Anyway, when The Drummer called and wanted to come spend the day in the hood, I thought beautiful, let me run down to the murder Kroger and grab some beer before he gets here. Apparently The Drummer did not know it was Summerfest either.

I noticed more foot traffic as soon as I hit the street but it was a beautiful Saturday so not too shocking.........
and then the car came to a complete stop.......
"what the hell" "why is the traffic not moving"  OH......CRAP, SUMMERFEST!!

Don't worry, I made it through the traffic nightmare and was still able to find parking when I FINALLY made it back to my house. Drummer and I got about 1/2 a block into the festival and decided "Nope, lets find a patio and get a beer". A beautiful day was had by all

Did see the entire festival on Sunday when more friends came over. That was a little more taxing than The Drummer.
"do we have to walk?"
"wow, it's really hot"
"are we going to walk all the way down there?"
"wow, it's really hot"
"didn't we go up a hill to get here?"
"are you this sweaty?"

OHMIGODD!! Yes, it's gets hot in the summer. I live a short walk from the heart of Virginia Highland, it is not going to kill you.......SO SHUT UP OR GO HOME!!!   :)

I love street festivals.....................

Sunday, June 8, 2014

How did I not know this really....

So have you ever thought that maybe just maybe there is only a finite amount of cool in the universe and only a small percentage of people can harness it........yeah......well, this is one of those people.

He's just so fucking cool

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Apparently I am going to be a day late for all memorial events this year........oh well, its still amazing.

The Huffington Post UK  |  By  Posted:  |  Updated: 07/06/14 BST

D-Day Landing Sites Then And Now: 11 Striking Images That Bring The Past And Present Together

As the world marks 70 years since the launch of a mission which ultimately led to victory over Nazi Germany during World War Two, these powerful before and after pictures show the true horror and heroism on a day that changed the world.
On June 6, 1944, Allied soldiers descended on the beaches of Normandy for D-Day, in an operation that marked the beginning of the end of a devastating six-year conflict.
In a mission described by wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill as "undoubtedly the most complicated and difficult that has ever taken place", D-Day was the beginning of an 80-day campaign to liberate the region which involved three million troops and cost 250,000 lives.
Few are left to tell the story of the D-Day landings, but today, as we remember the sacrifices and heroism of troops involved in the landings, these pictures of tourists soaking up the sun on Normandy's beaches stand in stark contrast to haunting images taken around the time of the crucial invasion

  • Reuters
    Tourists walk by where the body of a dead German soldier once lay in the main square of Place Du Marche in Trevieres after the town was taken by US troops who landed at nearby Omaha Beach in 1944.
  • Reuters
    Beach goers walk past a captured German bunker overlooking Omaha Beach near Saint Laurent sur Mer.
  • Reuters
    Farmer Raymond Bertot, who was 19 when allied troops came ashore in 1944, stands where US Army troops once made battle plans on his property near the former D-Day landing zone of Utah Beach in Les Dunes de Varreville.
  • Reuters
    Children walk over the remains of a concrete wall on the former Utah Beach D-Day landing zone, once a vital means of defence for US Army soldiers.
  • Reuters
    A farm field remains where German prisoners of war, captured after the D-Day landings in Normandy were once guarded by US troops at a camp in Nonant-le-Pin, France.
  • Reuters
    In 2014, tourists stroll by where the 2nd Battalion US Army Rangers once marched to their landing craft in Weymouth, England June 5, 1944.
  • Reuters
    The former Juno Beach D-Day landing zone, where Canadian forces once came ashore, in Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer, France. Once a scene of death and destruction, now a tourist's paradise.
  • Reuters
    Where Canadian troops once patrolled in 1944 after German forces were dislodged from Caen, shoppers now walk along the rebuilt Rue Saint-Pierre in Caen, which was destroyed following the D-Day landings.
  • Reuters
    Where US Army reinforcements once marched on June 18, 1944, tourists now tread the same path to the beach near Colleville sur Mer, France.
  • Reuters
    Tourists top up their tans where the members of an American landing party once assisted troops whose landing craft was sunk by enemy fire off Omaha beach in 1944.
  • Reuters
    Holidaymakers enjoy the sunshine, while on June 6, 1944 US reinforcements landed on Omaha beach during the Normandy D-Day landings near Vierville sur Mer, France.
This week thousands of people, including some of the ever-decreasing number of D-Day veterans, flocked to beaches, cemeteries and villages linked to the landings.
British veterans of landings have honoured their fallen comrades today during a poignant service of remembrance in Normandy attended by the Queen.
David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband and about 400 Commonwealth troops also attended the Royal British Legion service at Bayeux Cathedral.
The Prime Minister said it was "incredibly moving" to be at the events in Normandy and it was "humbling" for people of his generation who had not had to do anything like the heroic actions of June 6 1944.
"It is awe inspiring, it gives you a sense of humility but above all it gives you a sense of extraordinary gratitude for what these amazingly brave people did."
He said the veterans still had a "spring in their step and joy in their hearts about coming back here and remembering what they did".
Guests also included French prime minister Manuel Valls and Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who were all packed into the Norman-Romanesque cathedral - the original home of the Bayeux Tapestry - on a day which is expected to mark the high point of the D-Day anniversary events.
At the start of the service the Reverend Patrick Irwin, the Royal British Legion Chaplain to Normandy, told the congregation: "Here in this cemetery we are reminded of the true cost of D-Day whose 70th anniversary we mark today.
"We pay tribute to the dead and welcome enthusiastically the veterans for whose courage and devotion we are most grateful.
"This is a British cemetery and most of the graves in this place are British but D-Day involved many nations and many nations are represented here."
The Chaplain added: "Here in this cemetery men from many nations lie together united in death, and together, united in gratitude, sorrow and respect, we honour their memory - may they rest in peace."