Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hello World

Welcome to my blog......ugh, what a horrible statement!
I'm going to write some stuff on here, some of it you may like some of it you might not, but everyone seems to be doing it so.........why not.

Today was amazing. it was one of those days that reminds me how the beautiful the world can be.

I was able to sleep late and after shower and lots of coffee took a walk down to O Park. This is such a great little space. Its tucked into a residential neighborhood and unless you live here, you would never find it. It's small, with a little playground and a great trail. You actually have to walk down into the park. It is a physical and mental transition. You move from the bustle of cement and cars to this beautiful green world. I love walking there.

So the walk wasn't really the "ah ha" moment of the day.

I am about to lay out some pretty hippie dippie statements on you but, it's been that kind of day. I have been told that the energy you put into the world comes back to you. I know, we've all heard this but there are those days when this drivel does actually make sense. Today was one of those days. I was just open today. I was happy and smiling and you know what Trader Joe's I ran into a guy that I have not seen for years. "Yeah and" the sceptics among you might say, but wait, this particular man is a carpenter. "OK"
Hold on.....this is significant. Last week I was thinking I have got to get that number of that guy that fixed Suze's cabinets. Well.....this is the guy, right here at Trader Joe's buying some Wasabi Almonds

mmmmmm, wasabi almonds..........................................................................

 Anyway, we exchanged numbers and set a meeting to get that project started :). New kitchen cabinets!!!Coincidence, maybe, but I have another

You now those days when you have to be in the world but you don't want to be. You miss a lot on those days. You don't see people that are right in front of you, you miss cool stuff that other people seem to see, you are off and closed. But when you are open, you see people, people respond to you. You smile and things happen. For instance my next stop, a juice shop that I frequent in the neighborhood. I see the guys there all the time. Well today I struck up a conversation with MJ and he invited me to his yoga class! Now, I'm not a big yoga person but its a free invite and he is a lovely person. Who knows, I might learn to like yoga.

So what is my lesson for open. It will affect every aspect of your life and things will change. When you come across someone who may be a little grouchy cut them some slack, they are just closed today, tomorrow may be the day the store opens.

Oh and for you cynics out there........I have my "the world sucks" days too ;)

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