I was inspired to start this blog because of another brilliant blog
The pirate is funny and charming and most importantly, he has a great dog named Mikey.
Yesterday a picture of Mikey was posted and unbeknownst to the pirate, it is in front of a very special place from my past.
The drummer lived in that house.
On August 7, 1988 at The Point in little 5 points, I met The Drummer
Those of you paying attention will know, that was my 18th birthday. It was a significant meeting.
A few short days later I was sitting in this house rambling on about nothing to The Drummer.
It was a duplex then (it may still be for all I know).
The Drummer and his roommate lived upstairs and a few members of Drivin and Cryin lived downstairs.
It was a fun house and for almost two years, this was my home away from home.
The little porches you see were not there, but the side rooms are big sun rooms with lots of windows, it's a really beautiful home both inside and out.
Oh and those greyhound statues, yeah, those were not there. (they bother me)
I drive by the house constantly but seeing it in a photograph allowed me to stop and really look at it. It brought back a lot of stuff. It is interesting how places, smells, music brings you back. This house was a huge part of my life.
Many of you know that I was a wild child. Starting at about 14, I went a little crazy, but in matters of the heart, I was totally green.
The drummer was nine years older than me, he played in a popular band and he was really cute.
I was smitten from day one, but I was also 18 and a bit naive.
The Drummer was the first big heartbreak. It hurt, it hurt bad.
I was swept up and convinced that we would be together forever, in this beautiful house surrounded by our cool friends and the best neighborhood in town.
Ah, to be 18 again!
Well.......the drummer and I went our separate ways, fell in love with others, fell out of love with others, got back together, broke up, tried again, broke up, met other people.................then decided, we are really great as friends.
So, we are together forever :)
He is a permanent fixture in my life now and I would not have it any other way. We are NOT romantic and once we figured that out, the rest just fell into place.
This house and that time will always remain one the greatest of my life. I was so free and happy and dramatically melancholy (you know what I'm talking about), it was a great time.
Thanks for the karmic post Pirate.
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