The beautiful and talented poet Leah posted this.
#16 and #17 are statements to live by
Monday, July 29, 2013
Lazy Sunday
So after a lengthy and eye opening conversation with my spiritual guide I decided to lay in for some serious reading.
Reading, guitar and puzzles are about the only thing I do these days, given the leg situation.
I am considering taking up punch needle, its a type of crochet........
does that officially make me old?................................
hmm, anyway, I decided to reread "The Art of Racing in The Rain" by Garth Stein
It's told from the family dogs point of's brilliant, but lets face it, most dogs are
I should warn you though, if you have an older pet, avoid this book.
You will be crying at the end of chapter one.
Max is only 13 which is relatively young for cats but I did have a scare with him last year.
He would stay under the bed or in the closet, he wasn't eating and when he did he usually
Now I know what you're saying "cats always puke"
Yes, for cats vomit is a form of communication.
Cats are like furry little neurotic women.
If you are not paying attention to them, they are mad at you or they just need to invoke some form of manipulative sympathy from you, they puke.
See, furry little neurotic women.
This was not that kind of puke, this was like..........real.
He was really sick.
It turned out to just be a minor stomach bug but it did freak me out,
My little buddy has been with me for 13 years.
That's a long time. The thought of him not being around is just................................awful!!!
Reading, guitar and puzzles are about the only thing I do these days, given the leg situation.
I am considering taking up punch needle, its a type of crochet........
does that officially make me old?................................
hmm, anyway, I decided to reread "The Art of Racing in The Rain" by Garth Stein
It's told from the family dogs point of's brilliant, but lets face it, most dogs are
I should warn you though, if you have an older pet, avoid this book.
You will be crying at the end of chapter one.
Max is only 13 which is relatively young for cats but I did have a scare with him last year.
He would stay under the bed or in the closet, he wasn't eating and when he did he usually
Now I know what you're saying "cats always puke"
Yes, for cats vomit is a form of communication.
Cats are like furry little neurotic women.
If you are not paying attention to them, they are mad at you or they just need to invoke some form of manipulative sympathy from you, they puke.
See, furry little neurotic women.
This was not that kind of puke, this was like..........real.
He was really sick.
It turned out to just be a minor stomach bug but it did freak me out,
My little buddy has been with me for 13 years.
That's a long time. The thought of him not being around is just................................awful!!!
Saturday, July 27, 2013
This beautiful song got me through the horribleness of 2010
(the ex married somebody else, that's the cliff notes)
Had the pleasure of watching this great movie last night.
Now, if you do not like French films you will hate this movie.
If however, you enjoy reading and watching a movie (or you speak French)
I highly recommend it.
First of all, it's a romantic comedy. I know, but the French get romantic comedies.
Romance is comedic and nobody knows romance like the French.
Seriously, if you have ever been seduced by a Frenchman you know.
Resistance is futile, even if at first you are not attracted. I don't know how they do it.
The Italians have the same thing.
The movie is shot in Monte Carlo, so that's another awesome point, and it stars the
beautiful and talented Vanessa Paradis. That's Johnny Depps baby mama for those of you living under a rock.
It's a sweet, goofy movie......... go watch it
Now, if you do not like French films you will hate this movie.
If however, you enjoy reading and watching a movie (or you speak French)
I highly recommend it.
First of all, it's a romantic comedy. I know, but the French get romantic comedies.
Romance is comedic and nobody knows romance like the French.
Seriously, if you have ever been seduced by a Frenchman you know.
Resistance is futile, even if at first you are not attracted. I don't know how they do it.
The Italians have the same thing.
The movie is shot in Monte Carlo, so that's another awesome point, and it stars the
beautiful and talented Vanessa Paradis. That's Johnny Depps baby mama for those of you living under a rock.
It's a sweet, goofy movie......... go watch it
Yes, that's right....even in my current state
I am going to the Grease sing-along at the Fabulous Fox!!!!!
I am a little nervous about all the stairs, but I got my girls to help and I have found that most people
are pretty helpful if you just ask :)
"Tell me about it, Stud" :) :) :) :)
Yes, we have bags on our heads......"Beauty School Drop Out" GET IT!!!!
Next time I'm dressing up
Really though, if this ever comes to a town near you, you gotta go.
It's just good, clean fun (and then of course we got smashed on margaritas........because....that's why)
![]() |
Max is being a great nurse |
I am a little nervous about all the stairs, but I got my girls to help and I have found that most people
are pretty helpful if you just ask :)
"Tell me about it, Stud" :) :) :) :)
Yes, we have bags on our heads......"Beauty School Drop Out" GET IT!!!!
Next time I'm dressing up
Really though, if this ever comes to a town near you, you gotta go.
It's just good, clean fun (and then of course we got smashed on margaritas........because....that's why)
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
― Charles R Swindoll
Some recent events have caused me to post this again.
Life is 10% of what actually happens and 90% of how I react to it
I don't know how that hits you but to me............that is some heavy duty TRUTH.
I know it's really hard to let go of anger and to move forward when you feel like you've been wronged, but it's the only way that you can be happy. Your attitude and how you approach everything in your life dictates your own happiness.
One of the greatest statements ever laid on me was
"You can be happy or you can be right, but you can rarely be both"
I have never heard a more truthier truth than this. (it's a I'm Russian, don't argue with me)
You can't be both,
and isn't being happy more important than being right?
I'm sorry that your friend slept with that guy you were crushing on
I'm sorry that Dave from accounting got that promotion that you wanted
I'm not sorry that guy cut you off in traffic (seriously...if that small of a slight makes you that mad.......get some counseling......for got a major head PROBLEM)
I'm sorry your former love hurt you so badly
there is nothing you can do to make that wrong right
life your own life, make your own happiness and move on from the past.
― Charles R Swindoll
Some recent events have caused me to post this again.
Life is 10% of what actually happens and 90% of how I react to it
I don't know how that hits you but to me............that is some heavy duty TRUTH.
I know it's really hard to let go of anger and to move forward when you feel like you've been wronged, but it's the only way that you can be happy. Your attitude and how you approach everything in your life dictates your own happiness.
One of the greatest statements ever laid on me was
"You can be happy or you can be right, but you can rarely be both"
I have never heard a more truthier truth than this. (it's a I'm Russian, don't argue with me)
You can't be both,
and isn't being happy more important than being right?
I'm sorry that your friend slept with that guy you were crushing on
I'm sorry that Dave from accounting got that promotion that you wanted
I'm not sorry that guy cut you off in traffic (seriously...if that small of a slight makes you that mad.......get some counseling......for got a major head PROBLEM)
I'm sorry your former love hurt you so badly
there is nothing you can do to make that wrong right
life your own life, make your own happiness and move on from the past.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Oh, we'll see about that
Since The Pirate is now taking credit for all my writing........(I'll deal with you later young man),
I'm truly shocked that he would publish this little tidbit.......shocked ;)
So we all know that getting older has its downfalls, one of those is weight gain.
However, my dear friend Kelley pointed out a wonderful side effect of this weight gain.
You see, when a woman gains weight, her boobs get bigger (YAY....big boobs)
When a man gains weight, his dick gets smaller (awwwww, so sad)
Once again proving, woman are the greater sex.
So ladies, the next time your man points out that "you've put on a little weight" just remind him of this little scientific fact ;)
love and big kisses,
me (maybe ;))
I'm truly shocked that he would publish this little tidbit.......shocked ;)
So we all know that getting older has its downfalls, one of those is weight gain.
However, my dear friend Kelley pointed out a wonderful side effect of this weight gain.
You see, when a woman gains weight, her boobs get bigger (YAY....big boobs)
When a man gains weight, his dick gets smaller (awwwww, so sad)
Once again proving, woman are the greater sex.
So ladies, the next time your man points out that "you've put on a little weight" just remind him of this little scientific fact ;)
love and big kisses,
me (maybe ;))
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Did you miss me
I've been out of commission for awhile.
Which is funny because given the fact that I can barely move and I'm not working, you would think writing would be the most logical thing to do.
Oh but you would be wrong :)
So lets review......
Drama. drama. drama on June 10th
Tore my Achilles tendon June 25th
Had surgery to repair said tendon July 10th
Now for those of you who have never had surgery.........
general anesthesia will kick your ass
Hence, the no writing for brain has been all foggy
I know, everyone thinks "well its outpatient surgery"
"Its simple."
"They would not send you home if you really needed to still be in the hospital."
Oh but they do, because you are still totally out of it and truly have no idea what is going on.
After my last tendon surgery 13 years ago, my Mom was talking about my friend Karen.
"Mom, you've never met Karen"
"Yes I have. She came over after your surgery. She brought a movie and we had pizza"
"no she didn't"
"yes she did"
To this day I have ZERO recollection of this event. But both my mother and Karen have confirmed it.
I would put my hand on a bible and tell you it never happened.
Ah, anesthesia.
Ok, so as I am waiting in my oh so sexy hospital gown with matching blue sock and metallic shower cap (no......there are no least there better not be!!) to be taken back to the arctic circle.
Again, for those who have never had surgery, if you think hospitals in general are cold, operating rooms are freezing. I do not see how those people handle it.
The youngest, and I might add cutest, Doctor I've ever seen in my life comes in to the pre-op waiting area.
side note - everyone at Grady is 17 years old (at least they look it). The great thing about this is they are so eager and excited to be there. They want to hear about your condition and talk about your accident. Its kind of fun to see how happy they are.
This first Dr. is one of 3 anesthesiologist that I speak to. I have a very difficult time waking up from surgery so I suspect this is why there were 3 of them there.
We begin to talk about my treatment and I bring up how nervous I am about the post surgery pain.
When I had my last surgery the pain was so bad that in that moment if someone said to me "if we cut your leg off the pain will be better". I would have let them cut my leg off.
No, I am not exaggerating, it hurt that bad.
So this brilliant child says "we can do a nerve block"
"Sure, we'll just numb you from the knee down. You won't feel anything for 12 to 24 hours"
So, he brings in the MRI thing, they find the nerve in my leg and put this massive needle in and start poking around.
It was ok because I was watching it on the MRI screen. I'm like that, if I can watch what is happening, it doesn't hurt as much.
I have no idea what that says about me.
So they numb my leg and put medication in my little drug bag and ship me off to the arctic circle.
Everything is pretty blurry after this but about two hours later I wake up in the little recovery area and besides one lone nurse and an orderly, I'm the very last patient!!!
I told you, I don't wake up from that stuff.
When I was finally released to go home, my lovely parents took me back to their house and my sweet and giant brother (he's 6'5) helped me into the guest bedroom.
This was a Wednesday evening. Except for bathroom breaks I did not leave that bed until Friday afternoon and that was just to sit on the sofa for about an hour.
I had to go back to bed because sitting upright made me really tired.
My point is, although I have been home for several days, I am just now starting to feel like myself. I think yesterday was the first time I felt truly awake.
Oh yeah.....a big thank you to my family, friends and lovely neighbors for helping out and continuing to help out as I recover.
Not that I actually regret it, but the second floor condo is a giant pain in my a$$ right now.
I have to go up and down on my hinny so I don't fall.
I better have great looking arms by the time this is over.
Which is funny because given the fact that I can barely move and I'm not working, you would think writing would be the most logical thing to do.
Oh but you would be wrong :)
So lets review......
Drama. drama. drama on June 10th
Tore my Achilles tendon June 25th
Had surgery to repair said tendon July 10th
Now for those of you who have never had surgery.........
general anesthesia will kick your ass
Hence, the no writing for brain has been all foggy
I know, everyone thinks "well its outpatient surgery"
"Its simple."
"They would not send you home if you really needed to still be in the hospital."
Oh but they do, because you are still totally out of it and truly have no idea what is going on.
After my last tendon surgery 13 years ago, my Mom was talking about my friend Karen.
"Mom, you've never met Karen"
"Yes I have. She came over after your surgery. She brought a movie and we had pizza"
"no she didn't"
"yes she did"
To this day I have ZERO recollection of this event. But both my mother and Karen have confirmed it.
I would put my hand on a bible and tell you it never happened.
Ah, anesthesia.
Ok, so as I am waiting in my oh so sexy hospital gown with matching blue sock and metallic shower cap (no......there are no least there better not be!!) to be taken back to the arctic circle.
Again, for those who have never had surgery, if you think hospitals in general are cold, operating rooms are freezing. I do not see how those people handle it.
The youngest, and I might add cutest, Doctor I've ever seen in my life comes in to the pre-op waiting area.
side note - everyone at Grady is 17 years old (at least they look it). The great thing about this is they are so eager and excited to be there. They want to hear about your condition and talk about your accident. Its kind of fun to see how happy they are.
This first Dr. is one of 3 anesthesiologist that I speak to. I have a very difficult time waking up from surgery so I suspect this is why there were 3 of them there.
We begin to talk about my treatment and I bring up how nervous I am about the post surgery pain.
When I had my last surgery the pain was so bad that in that moment if someone said to me "if we cut your leg off the pain will be better". I would have let them cut my leg off.
No, I am not exaggerating, it hurt that bad.
So this brilliant child says "we can do a nerve block"
"Sure, we'll just numb you from the knee down. You won't feel anything for 12 to 24 hours"
So, he brings in the MRI thing, they find the nerve in my leg and put this massive needle in and start poking around.
It was ok because I was watching it on the MRI screen. I'm like that, if I can watch what is happening, it doesn't hurt as much.
I have no idea what that says about me.
So they numb my leg and put medication in my little drug bag and ship me off to the arctic circle.
Everything is pretty blurry after this but about two hours later I wake up in the little recovery area and besides one lone nurse and an orderly, I'm the very last patient!!!
I told you, I don't wake up from that stuff.
When I was finally released to go home, my lovely parents took me back to their house and my sweet and giant brother (he's 6'5) helped me into the guest bedroom.
This was a Wednesday evening. Except for bathroom breaks I did not leave that bed until Friday afternoon and that was just to sit on the sofa for about an hour.
I had to go back to bed because sitting upright made me really tired.
My point is, although I have been home for several days, I am just now starting to feel like myself. I think yesterday was the first time I felt truly awake.
Oh yeah.....a big thank you to my family, friends and lovely neighbors for helping out and continuing to help out as I recover.
Not that I actually regret it, but the second floor condo is a giant pain in my a$$ right now.
I have to go up and down on my hinny so I don't fall.
I better have great looking arms by the time this is over.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Be kind
No matter the circumstances, no matter the situation, no matter the fault, we will all give an account of how we have treated one another! There is POWER in our words and the choice of destroying or building up someone is always an impactful decision! "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" -Philo
Ah the fragility of us
It was Tuesday, June 25th. A pretty morning. The sun was shinning but it was not too hot.
I chose to open the windows and let the kitty lay in the sunshine.
He loves to do that.
My plan was to head to Athens GA.
The electrician and I had agreed to meet to discuss union dues, writing and the highs and lows of life.
He had some family conflicts so we rescheduled for Wednesday.
Great, I can run errands and get some general laying around done.
Later in the afternoon, neighbor Gary knocked on my front door
"Do you smell gas?"
There was no gas smell in my apartment but the main hall was bad.
We knocked on doors in a futile attempt to find the source when I piped up
"Let's just call the fire dept."
We headed outside to wait for the firemen and to get out of the potential bomb that
was now our home.
We heard the sirens and saw the fire trucks promptly turn the wrong way.
I headed down to the end of the driveway to flag them down.
I saw the trucks coming our way,
waived my hands in the air, like you do
and once I was certain they saw me
I turned to head back up the drive.
It was a mindless jog, nothing strenuous or active just that little hop/jog you do
You know, we all do it, its not anything.
Well three, maybe four steps in I heard an massive "POP"
I really can't tell you the feeling, it's not pain, it's the sudden realization that
you have just received a severe injury.
The brain just knows these things.
However, I have already had this injury....
13 years ago while running to catch a plane, same "POP", same realization.
Again it's not pain, the brain really does say "NOW YOU'VE DONE IT"
Oh yes, the injury. It's an achilles rupture.
The "POP" is exactly that.....
it snaps in two like a giant rubber band
and suddenly your foot no longer works.
Point your toe........
That is plantar flextion, the tendon that does that is the achilles.
If you have no achilles, you can't walk.
That toe pointing ability is what propels us forward when moving.
So my mission to find the source of the gas smell ended up being
an ambulance ride and a few hours in the ER.
Oh, there was no gas leak.
Who knows, what that was but they brought out the big truck
and all the tools and found nothing :(
For all my trouble I am know in a full, non weight bearing cast
scheduled for surgery next week.
Honestly I am looking at the bright side of this.
My family and friends have been amazing.
Bringing me food and helping me clean the house.
I am very grateful.
So this is what my poor little leg looks like
(warning, it's ugly).
Well, to be honest, its now in a pretty pink cast but this is what it looked like when the surgeon took the splint off
and this is a great article about the amazing achilles if you are interested
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
I brought you here.
I turned my life upside
down to find you.
to wrap my arms around you
and drown in your warmth.
I often see you name and wonder,
is this still the dream, still just my imagination.
the name that I have known for so long,
the face that I have longed to touch.
I brought you here.
I turned my life upside
down to find you.
to wrap my arms around you
and drown in your warmth.
I often see you name and wonder,
is this still the dream, still just my imagination.
the name that I have known for so long,
the face that I have longed to touch.
I brought you here.
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