I've been out of commission for awhile.
Which is funny because given the fact that I can barely move and I'm not working, you would think writing would be the most logical thing to do.
Oh but you would be wrong :)
So lets review......
Drama. drama. drama on June 10th
Tore my Achilles tendon June 25th
Had surgery to repair said tendon July 10th
Now for those of you who have never had surgery.........
general anesthesia will kick your ass
Hence, the no writing for awhile......my brain has been all foggy
I know, everyone thinks "well its outpatient surgery"
"Its simple."
"They would not send you home if you really needed to still be in the hospital."
Oh but they do, because you are still totally out of it and truly have no idea what is going on.
After my last tendon surgery 13 years ago, my Mom was talking about my friend Karen.
"Mom, you've never met Karen"
"Yes I have. She came over after your surgery. She brought a movie and we had pizza"
"no she didn't"
"yes she did"
To this day I have ZERO recollection of this event. But both my mother and Karen have confirmed it.
I would put my hand on a bible and tell you it never happened.
Ah, anesthesia.
Ok, so as I am waiting in my oh so sexy hospital gown with matching blue sock and metallic shower cap (no......there are no pictures......at least there better not be!!) to be taken back to the arctic circle.
Again, for those who have never had surgery, if you think hospitals in general are cold, operating rooms are freezing. I do not see how those people handle it.
The youngest, and I might add cutest, Doctor I've ever seen in my life comes in to the pre-op waiting area.
side note - everyone at Grady is 17 years old (at least they look it). The great thing about this is they are so eager and excited to be there. They want to hear about your condition and talk about your accident. Its kind of fun to see how happy they are.
This first Dr. is one of 3 anesthesiologist that I speak to. I have a very difficult time waking up from surgery so I suspect this is why there were 3 of them there.
We begin to talk about my treatment and I bring up how nervous I am about the post surgery pain.
When I had my last surgery the pain was so bad that in that moment if someone said to me "if we cut your leg off the pain will be better". I would have let them cut my leg off.
No, I am not exaggerating, it hurt that bad.
So this brilliant child says "we can do a nerve block"
"Sure, we'll just numb you from the knee down. You won't feel anything for 12 to 24 hours"
So, he brings in the MRI thing, they find the nerve in my leg and put this massive needle in and start poking around.
It was ok because I was watching it on the MRI screen. I'm like that, if I can watch what is happening, it doesn't hurt as much.
I have no idea what that says about me.
So they numb my leg and put medication in my little drug bag and ship me off to the arctic circle.
Everything is pretty blurry after this but about two hours later I wake up in the little recovery area and besides one lone nurse and an orderly, I'm the very last patient!!!
I told you, I don't wake up from that stuff.
When I was finally released to go home, my lovely parents took me back to their house and my sweet and giant brother (he's 6'5) helped me into the guest bedroom.
This was a Wednesday evening. Except for bathroom breaks I did not leave that bed until Friday afternoon and that was just to sit on the sofa for about an hour.
I had to go back to bed because sitting upright made me really tired.
My point is, although I have been home for several days, I am just now starting to feel like myself. I think yesterday was the first time I felt truly awake.
Oh yeah.....a big thank you to my family, friends and lovely neighbors for helping out and continuing to help out as I recover.
Not that I actually regret it, but the second floor condo is a giant pain in my a$$ right now.
I have to go up and down on my hinny so I don't fall.
I better have great looking arms by the time this is over.
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