and really old school
Thursday, October 31, 2013
I've never been a car person.
Don't get me wrong, I love the big Lambos and of course the 1961 Jaguar E-type is still the most beautiful car of all time
But yesterday as I was driving through the neighborhood, this was stopped at a red light in front of me..............
No, not this exact car but one similar and to answer your I don't take pictures with my phone while driving......yes....even at a red light smarta$$ ;)
So there we were looking at this beautiful thing in front of us.
"wow, thats pretty"
"what is it?"
"Tesla!?!, you mean like the band?"
Why yes, it was a Tesla.
I remember hearing about them awhile back but I've never actually seen one in the wild.
I have to tell's a beautiful car.
Don't get me wrong, I love the big Lambos and of course the 1961 Jaguar E-type is still the most beautiful car of all time
But yesterday as I was driving through the neighborhood, this was stopped at a red light in front of me..............
No, not this exact car but one similar and to answer your I don't take pictures with my phone while driving......yes....even at a red light smarta$$ ;)
So there we were looking at this beautiful thing in front of us.
"wow, thats pretty"
"what is it?"
"Tesla!?!, you mean like the band?"
Why yes, it was a Tesla.
I remember hearing about them awhile back but I've never actually seen one in the wild.
I have to tell's a beautiful car.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Trying to be a man is a waste of a woman
I'm back in a job surrounded by men :)
Yes, this makes me very happy.
I do love men; they are curt, sometimes they smell bad, they say things without thinking (A LOT)
So today when I popular talk show started talking about the whole MAN/WOMAN thing
(surprising topic...I know) it got me thinking.
All of my female friends, associates and even women I don't know seem to complain about NOT being treated like a Queen.
Yes....I'm guilty of it too.
"Well if he's not going to do X,Y OR Z then he doesn't deserve my; time, energy, affection............"
.....fill in whatever blank you want.
But I truly can't remember the last time I treated the deserving man in my life like a king.
No I'm serious and notice I say deserving.......if he's a dog and you know he's a dog.....none of this applies
I used to do this and honestly my love life was leaps and bounds above what it is now.
So that's the question
When was the last time you treated your man like a king?
We all expect flowers and candies and romantic candlelight but other than giving up the cookies, what romantic thing have you done for your man?
If we are going to insist on being the queen in his life, shouldn't he be the king in ours?
The media usually portrays men as stupid, bumbling and forgetful.
I don't like this.
I don't know about you but I don't date stupid men and I don't know many stupid men.
Oh, and if your husband is one of these picked him!!!
Besides when did women become so brilliant and competent and men become so's just not true and it's not right.
Ladies, I used to do some things that made my girlfriends cringe and honestly, I never understood why they hated it so much. I loved expressing affection for my man, it made me feel good and was always well received and well deserved ;)
...........little love notes on the windshield, candlelight dinner on a TUESDAY,
I even sent flowers to THE EX'S office for no reason!.........(well ok, yes there was a reason....hehehe)
No really, I sent flowers to my mans office.
At first he was a little upset because well......
getting flowers from your lady friend is not exactly manly
However, as word got around his office.....he became the MAN!
Guys were coming by his office to high five him and gave him that
"what did you do to her" look ;) ;). He said there were many "DUDE" comments thrown around.
He loved it...why......because not only had I made him king of my world,
I made it public knowledge.
Isn't that what we all want, to have the world know that someone thinks we are the greatest thing since
sliced bread. Just for one day.
Oh and yes ladies, that little display of love and affection paid off for daaaaays.
Mama was a happy girl.
So that's my challenge, to myself as well.
Show that affection, be the nurturing, loving woman you are.
As women.......we are GOOD at it, we know how to show love, we know how to express ourselves emotionally and give when it is deserved.
I've learned from past experiences that when expressed....that love usually comes back ten fold.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Pine Lake
I love Pine Lake, it's such a great neighborhood and it houses several of my favorite people.
These people also know how to have a good time, winter solstice parties, summer pool/lake party and of course the greatest celebration of the year......Halloween puNkin carving party
I give you some of the most beautiful carved punkins EVA!!!!
(my friends are so talented)
These people also know how to have a good time, winter solstice parties, summer pool/lake party and of course the greatest celebration of the year......Halloween puNkin carving party
I give you some of the most beautiful carved punkins EVA!!!!
(my friends are so talented)
But these are vegan.......I KNOW!!!!
They are tasty, no oil, no butter, no eggs, lots of dark chocolate and honestly no one could tell the difference.
But these are vegan.......I KNOW!!!!
They are tasty, no oil, no butter, no eggs, lots of dark chocolate and honestly no one could tell the difference.
Ode to the radiator
It's a cold morning in Atlanta
As I sit here in my snuggie (WHAT!?!) downing coffee like a junkie all I can think about is steam heat
As most buildings in NYC are pre-war they are heated with steam.
A massive boiler lives in the basement and the steam rises through various pipes throughout the building.
Steam is fantastic; it's warm, efficient and cheap.
It also makes great noises.
As the cold pipes warm they expand and contract like a groaning, clicking monster coming to life.
It's a familiar sound of winter and I miss it.
The cat misses it too, he basically lived under the radiator during the cold months, now he just clings to me. It's not good.
Radiant heat gets so hot that there are times you don't even need to turn on the radiator. The water pipes within the house do the trick. Like I said, it's good stuff
You can also scream at your neighbors by smacking one of your pipes with a broom
It will make a horrendous noise that will reverberate through the entire building resulting in a slur of whatever ethnic tongue lives above or below you..............
hmmmm, I miss NYC
This newfangled furnace thing is just not doing the trick. I get it, it's energy efficient and green and all
but..........I'M COLD!!!!
I would like my coal burning, chemical spewing, highly flammable, risk of explosion boiler back please.
As I sit here in my snuggie (WHAT!?!) downing coffee like a junkie all I can think about is steam heat
As most buildings in NYC are pre-war they are heated with steam.
A massive boiler lives in the basement and the steam rises through various pipes throughout the building.
Steam is fantastic; it's warm, efficient and cheap.
It also makes great noises.
As the cold pipes warm they expand and contract like a groaning, clicking monster coming to life.
It's a familiar sound of winter and I miss it.
The cat misses it too, he basically lived under the radiator during the cold months, now he just clings to me. It's not good.
![]() | |
Not Max but this is the basic winter pose |
Radiant heat gets so hot that there are times you don't even need to turn on the radiator. The water pipes within the house do the trick. Like I said, it's good stuff
You can also scream at your neighbors by smacking one of your pipes with a broom
It will make a horrendous noise that will reverberate through the entire building resulting in a slur of whatever ethnic tongue lives above or below you..............
hmmmm, I miss NYC
This newfangled furnace thing is just not doing the trick. I get it, it's energy efficient and green and all
but..........I'M COLD!!!!
I would like my coal burning, chemical spewing, highly flammable, risk of explosion boiler back please.
![]() | ||
so scary but so right |
Maybe we are doing it right
Wow.........just wow
- By
- Steve Hartman
OLIVET, Mich. -- Between classes, they schemed and conspired. For weeks, the football players at Olivet Middle School in Olivet, Mich., secretly planned their remarkable play.
Nick Jungel
CBS News
"But the coaches didn't know anything about it," Parker Smith says. "We were, like, going behind their back."
We've never heard of a team coming up with a plan to not score.
"It's just like to make someone's day, make someone's week, just make them happy," Justice Miller says.
The play -- which was two plays, actually -- happened at a home game earlier this month. The first part of their plan was to try to get as close to the goal line as possible without scoring, even if it meant taking a dive on the one-yard-line, which it did.
Parker Smith
CBS News
"But us kids knew, hey, we got this, this is our time, this is Keith's time," Parker, the quarterback, says.
Keith Orr is the little kid in the brown jacket. He's learning disabled, struggles with boundaries -- but in the sweetest possible way. Because of his special nature, it's no surprise that Keith embraces his fellow football players. What is surprising is how they have embraced him.
"We thought it would be cool to do something for him," Parker says.
Justice Miller
CBS News
"Nothing can really explain getting a touchdown when you've never had one before," says Justice.
Which brings us to part two of their play. If you didn't see Keith, it's because they were so protective of him, but he was in the middle of the rush.
When they crossed the goal line, Keith says it was "awesome."
For weeks, the football players at Olivet Middle School in Olivet, Mich., secretly planned a remarkable play.
CBS News
"Get your camera out!" his dad, Jim, remembers saying.
Keith's parents almost missed the moment, but they got the significance.
Keith Orr
CBS News
She's right. When the football team decides you're cool, pretty much everyone follows suit. Today, Keith is a new kid, although by no means was he the only one who was profoundly changed.
"Once I saw him go in, I was smiling to here," says Justice, a wide receiver, pointing to his cheeks. "Nothing could wipe that smile off my face."
Asked why it affected him so much, Justice turns emotional.
"Because he's never been cool or popular, and he went from being, like, pretty much a nobody to making everyone's day," he says.
Carrie and Jim Orr
CBS News
He says it never crossed his mind to give Keith any glory.
"I kind of went from being somebody who mostly cared about myself and my friends to caring about everyone and trying to make everyone's day and everyone's life," he says.
Which may just make that touchdown the most successful football play of all time.
To contact On the Road, or to send us a story idea, e-mail us. © 2013 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Fall colors 213
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Do you want
to see me crawl across the floor to you?
Bell Bottom Blues, you made me cry.
I don't want to lose this feeling.
And if I could choose a place to die
It would be in your arms.
Do you want to see me crawl across the floor to you?
Do you want to hear me beg you to take me back?
I'd gladly do it because
I don't want to fade away.
Give me one more day, please.
I don't want to fade away.
In your heart I want to stay.
It's all wrong, but it's all right.
The way that you treat me baby.
Once I was strong but I lost the fight.
You won't find a better loser.
[Chorus 2x]
Bell bottom blues, don't say goodbye.
I'm sure we're gonna meet again,
And if we do, don't you be surprised
If you find me with another lover.
I don't want to fade away.
Give me one more day please.
I don't want to fade away.
In your heart I long to stay.
Bell Bottom Blues, you made me cry.
I don't want to lose this feeling.
And if I could choose a place to die
It would be in your arms.
Do you want to see me crawl across the floor to you?
Do you want to hear me beg you to take me back?
I'd gladly do it because
I don't want to fade away.
Give me one more day, please.
I don't want to fade away.
In your heart I want to stay.
It's all wrong, but it's all right.
The way that you treat me baby.
Once I was strong but I lost the fight.
You won't find a better loser.
[Chorus 2x]
Bell bottom blues, don't say goodbye.
I'm sure we're gonna meet again,
And if we do, don't you be surprised
If you find me with another lover.
I don't want to fade away.
Give me one more day please.
I don't want to fade away.
In your heart I long to stay.
Friday, October 25, 2013
rant, rant, rant
Yup...I'm going to rant again.......
I know it's really exciting....try to contain yourself. fellas, listen up because I know many of you have been in the scenario.
You are casually dating chick A.
You like chick A, she's cute enough, fun, nice to spend time with but nothing mind blowing.
Basically just something to get you out of the house or keep you warm on those cold nights but
you already know she is not "THE ONE"
Suddenly you meet chick B.
Chick B is perfect; she's beautiful, funny, intelligent.....everything you have ever wanted.
You adore her, your friends are jealous your family thinks she is the greatest thing since electricity.....
Life is wonderful and blissful except...........for the chick A problem.
You, being the reasonable man that you are, decide to calmly end things with chick A by being honest and truthful about your feelings for this new person, chick B.
Yay, chick A is no longer and issue, you have let her down in a mature adult fashion and are now free to pursue the love of you life, chick B..................
Life is great, you are experiencing a level of bliss you have not reached in years.
Work no longer sucks, the air seems clearer, you no longer sweat the small stuff, things are perfect
Now guys I'm going to let you in on a little known fact......all women have a psycho gene.
Some of us learn at an early age how to control this gene and we put the proper restraints and safely nets in place to prevent the psycho gene from ruining our lives and yours.
Unfortunately, there are just as many of us who have never accepted this fact and don't even know what a safety net is.
An even sadder fact is it is impossible to recognize the later woman until it is too late.
So there you are, fully engaged in the loving warmth of chick B when you are blindsided.
Chick A is back and her psycho is in full force
"hey, um, I just thought you should know that I'm pregnant"
Now here comes the rant fellas.
If you wonder why every woman you know, including Chick B, looks at you with a bored
"oh....really" look on her face when you give her this shocking news......
It's because we know that 9 times out of 10
IT'S A LIE!!!!
The ex always lies about a baby.
We know it and at a certain should you.
Go to the Doctor with this psycho, get a sonogram.......
Hell, get a pee stick.........get some sort of proof before you trash the potential bliss that you now have with chick B.
I totally get it.
You are a stand up guy
You WILL be responsible and support the mother of your unborn child.
That's awesome, and I'm so glad that you are a decent guy
but can we please just take this little situation one day at a time instead of pulling the rip cord on everything good in life.
Inevitably, in a few days or weeks there will suddenly be no baby and you will be forced with cleaning up the mess you made with chick B.
This, my dear friends, is a fact........and once again the mess caused by some psycho is causing havoc in my peaceful life.
I know it's really exciting....try to contain yourself. fellas, listen up because I know many of you have been in the scenario.
You are casually dating chick A.
You like chick A, she's cute enough, fun, nice to spend time with but nothing mind blowing.
Basically just something to get you out of the house or keep you warm on those cold nights but
you already know she is not "THE ONE"
Suddenly you meet chick B.
Chick B is perfect; she's beautiful, funny, intelligent.....everything you have ever wanted.
You adore her, your friends are jealous your family thinks she is the greatest thing since electricity.....
Life is wonderful and blissful except...........for the chick A problem.
You, being the reasonable man that you are, decide to calmly end things with chick A by being honest and truthful about your feelings for this new person, chick B.
Yay, chick A is no longer and issue, you have let her down in a mature adult fashion and are now free to pursue the love of you life, chick B..................
Life is great, you are experiencing a level of bliss you have not reached in years.
Work no longer sucks, the air seems clearer, you no longer sweat the small stuff, things are perfect
Now guys I'm going to let you in on a little known fact......all women have a psycho gene.
Some of us learn at an early age how to control this gene and we put the proper restraints and safely nets in place to prevent the psycho gene from ruining our lives and yours.
Unfortunately, there are just as many of us who have never accepted this fact and don't even know what a safety net is.
An even sadder fact is it is impossible to recognize the later woman until it is too late.
So there you are, fully engaged in the loving warmth of chick B when you are blindsided.
Chick A is back and her psycho is in full force
"hey, um, I just thought you should know that I'm pregnant"
Now here comes the rant fellas.
If you wonder why every woman you know, including Chick B, looks at you with a bored
"oh....really" look on her face when you give her this shocking news......
It's because we know that 9 times out of 10
IT'S A LIE!!!!
The ex always lies about a baby.
We know it and at a certain should you.
Go to the Doctor with this psycho, get a sonogram.......
Hell, get a pee stick.........get some sort of proof before you trash the potential bliss that you now have with chick B.
I totally get it.
You are a stand up guy
You WILL be responsible and support the mother of your unborn child.
That's awesome, and I'm so glad that you are a decent guy
but can we please just take this little situation one day at a time instead of pulling the rip cord on everything good in life.
Inevitably, in a few days or weeks there will suddenly be no baby and you will be forced with cleaning up the mess you made with chick B.
This, my dear friends, is a fact........and once again the mess caused by some psycho is causing havoc in my peaceful life.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
"make it sound like chocolate"
Yes, those are actual directions given to me by a former producer.
I don't know exactly what chocolate sounds like but I did my best.
Years ago I had a very brief "career" as a voice actor.
It was fun and stressful and expensive. Its a very bizarre experience sitting in a sound booth having a producer give you some of the strangest direction you will ever hear.
"I need it to be crunchier".........oooookay
Today I found one of my first demo's.
I was so very critical of this when I first did it. Honestly, for an's not bad.
I don't know exactly what chocolate sounds like but I did my best.
Years ago I had a very brief "career" as a voice actor.
It was fun and stressful and expensive. Its a very bizarre experience sitting in a sound booth having a producer give you some of the strangest direction you will ever hear.
"I need it to be crunchier".........oooookay
Today I found one of my first demo's.
I was so very critical of this when I first did it. Honestly, for an's not bad.
Spooky take two
Of course if you want truly creepy, creepy catacombs......Paris and Rome have the best.
I have seen catacombs in both cities and they are disturbingly beautiful.
In Ancient Rome, it was not permitted for bodies to be buried within the city walls. So while pagans cremated their dead, Christians, who were not legally allowed to practice their religion, turned to underground cemeteries, built beneath land owned by the city’s few rich Christian families. The Jewish population was already implementing this practice when Christians began doing so around the 2nd Century.
The use of catacombs in Rome expanded during the 2nd and 3rd Centuries, as the illegal religion of Christianity grew in popularity. Some areas of the tunnels even became shrines for martyrs buried there. But after Christianity was legalized in 313 AD, funerals moved above ground, and by the 5th Century, the use of catacombs as grave sites dwindled, though they were still revered as sacred sites where pilgrims would come to worship.
The Rome catacombs then fell victim to pillaging by Germanic invaders around the early 9th Century. As a result, relics of Christian martyrs and saints were moved from the catacombs to churches in the city centre. Eventually, the underground burial tunnels were abandoned altogether – only to be rediscovered via excavations in the 1600s.
Today, travellers from all over the world visit Rome to explore its 600km network of catacombs, spread out over five storeys underground near the Park of the Tombs of Via Latina. Dedicated to Christian saints, they are adorned with some of the earliest Christian artwork in the world, dating back to the 2nd Century, featuring paintings on the tunnel walls that depict ancient life. Sacred catacombs open to the public include the Catacombs of Priscilla (Via Salaria, 430), the Catacombs of St Callixtus (Via Appia Antica, 110-126) and the Catacombs of St Agnes (Via Nomentana, 349). The Vatican provides details on how to visit these and other holy burial sites. A few Jewish catacombs, including the catacombs on the Vigna Randanini and those in the Villa Torlonia, are also open to the public -- though some by appointment.
Centuries later in Paris, catacombs emerged as a creative and discreet solution to a dire public health problem. In the late 1700s, mass graves in the Les Halles district, such as those in the now closed Saints Innocents Cemetery, were overcrowded with improperly disposed of bodies , creating unsanitary conditions that led to the spread of disease. Saint Innocents was shut down, and in 1786 the Paris police moved all the remains buried in the cemetery to an underground network of ancient limestone quarries – the now infamous Catacombs of Paris, located south of the former city gate near Place Denfert-Rochereau.
The eerie tunnels -- a significant portion of which is open to the public as a museum -- took on other uses over the course of history. During World War II, for instance, some sections became hideouts for French Resistance fighters, while other areas were converted by German soldiers into bunkers. Today, Paris’s nearly 300km of catacombs lie 30m under the ground’s surface and still house the remains of around six million people.
The world’s longest network of underground tunnels, extending more than 2,400km, can be found in Odessa, Ukraine, where the catacombs were formed around the 1830s as a result of limestone mining. As in Paris, the tunnels were used as bunkers and hideouts by soldiers during World War II, and a portion of the catacombs is open to the public via the Museum of Partisan Glory.
The catacombs of Malta are designated as a World Heritage Site for their role in Paleochristian history. Carved from the rock underneath the city of Rabat, likely beginning around the 3rd Century, the tunnels show how rural family burials took place among Christian, Jewish and Pagan communities. The complex network of passageways provided graves for 1,000 people and extended over about 5,700sqkm. Heritage Malta provides information on visiting St Paul’s Catacombs located near St Paul’s Church and Grotto.
In Alexandria, Egypt, the Catacombs of Kom el-Shoqafa were originally built for just one rich family around the 2nd Century, but eventually housed more 300 mummies. Open to the public, the three-story tomb about 30m under the ground, features elaborate carvings illustrating scenes from Egyptian mythology, including one relief depicting the jackal-headed god, Anubis.
Travelwise is a BBC Travel column that goes behind the travel stories to answer common questions, satisfy uncommon curiosities and uncover some of the mystery surrounding travel. If you have a burning travel question, contact Travelwise.
I have seen catacombs in both cities and they are disturbingly beautiful.
26 October 2012
Exploring the history of catacombs
The Catacombs of Paris are located south of the former city gate near Place Denfert-Rochereau. (Huw Jones/LPI/Getty)
Beneath the city streets that travellers walk on each day, dark labyrinths of underground catacombs are passageways to the past, to a time when the ghostly tunnels served as burial grounds for millions of people.
The catacombs of Rome, which date back to the 1st Century and were among the first ever built, were constructed as underground tombs,
first by Jewish communities and then by Christian communities. There
are only six known Jewish catacombs and around 40 or more Christian
catacombs.In Ancient Rome, it was not permitted for bodies to be buried within the city walls. So while pagans cremated their dead, Christians, who were not legally allowed to practice their religion, turned to underground cemeteries, built beneath land owned by the city’s few rich Christian families. The Jewish population was already implementing this practice when Christians began doing so around the 2nd Century.
The use of catacombs in Rome expanded during the 2nd and 3rd Centuries, as the illegal religion of Christianity grew in popularity. Some areas of the tunnels even became shrines for martyrs buried there. But after Christianity was legalized in 313 AD, funerals moved above ground, and by the 5th Century, the use of catacombs as grave sites dwindled, though they were still revered as sacred sites where pilgrims would come to worship.
The Rome catacombs then fell victim to pillaging by Germanic invaders around the early 9th Century. As a result, relics of Christian martyrs and saints were moved from the catacombs to churches in the city centre. Eventually, the underground burial tunnels were abandoned altogether – only to be rediscovered via excavations in the 1600s.
Today, travellers from all over the world visit Rome to explore its 600km network of catacombs, spread out over five storeys underground near the Park of the Tombs of Via Latina. Dedicated to Christian saints, they are adorned with some of the earliest Christian artwork in the world, dating back to the 2nd Century, featuring paintings on the tunnel walls that depict ancient life. Sacred catacombs open to the public include the Catacombs of Priscilla (Via Salaria, 430), the Catacombs of St Callixtus (Via Appia Antica, 110-126) and the Catacombs of St Agnes (Via Nomentana, 349). The Vatican provides details on how to visit these and other holy burial sites. A few Jewish catacombs, including the catacombs on the Vigna Randanini and those in the Villa Torlonia, are also open to the public -- though some by appointment.
Centuries later in Paris, catacombs emerged as a creative and discreet solution to a dire public health problem. In the late 1700s, mass graves in the Les Halles district, such as those in the now closed Saints Innocents Cemetery, were overcrowded with improperly disposed of bodies , creating unsanitary conditions that led to the spread of disease. Saint Innocents was shut down, and in 1786 the Paris police moved all the remains buried in the cemetery to an underground network of ancient limestone quarries – the now infamous Catacombs of Paris, located south of the former city gate near Place Denfert-Rochereau.
The eerie tunnels -- a significant portion of which is open to the public as a museum -- took on other uses over the course of history. During World War II, for instance, some sections became hideouts for French Resistance fighters, while other areas were converted by German soldiers into bunkers. Today, Paris’s nearly 300km of catacombs lie 30m under the ground’s surface and still house the remains of around six million people.
The world’s longest network of underground tunnels, extending more than 2,400km, can be found in Odessa, Ukraine, where the catacombs were formed around the 1830s as a result of limestone mining. As in Paris, the tunnels were used as bunkers and hideouts by soldiers during World War II, and a portion of the catacombs is open to the public via the Museum of Partisan Glory.
The catacombs of Malta are designated as a World Heritage Site for their role in Paleochristian history. Carved from the rock underneath the city of Rabat, likely beginning around the 3rd Century, the tunnels show how rural family burials took place among Christian, Jewish and Pagan communities. The complex network of passageways provided graves for 1,000 people and extended over about 5,700sqkm. Heritage Malta provides information on visiting St Paul’s Catacombs located near St Paul’s Church and Grotto.
In Alexandria, Egypt, the Catacombs of Kom el-Shoqafa were originally built for just one rich family around the 2nd Century, but eventually housed more 300 mummies. Open to the public, the three-story tomb about 30m under the ground, features elaborate carvings illustrating scenes from Egyptian mythology, including one relief depicting the jackal-headed god, Anubis.
Travelwise is a BBC Travel column that goes behind the travel stories to answer common questions, satisfy uncommon curiosities and uncover some of the mystery surrounding travel. If you have a burning travel question, contact Travelwise.
Spooky Secrets
We all know how much I love New York City so it did not shock me (AT ALL) when this cool little thing appreared in my inbox this morning.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Sacred Space
Last night was bitch and booze.
Bitch and Booze is a weekly tradition that all people should partake in.
Get a few dear friends together, good food, good drink and share the weekly "bitch" going on in your life.
It saves a lot on therapy bills but the key is the group of friends you pick.
Mine are AMAZING!
Why, because unlike many women, we can be honest with each other and it's OK
I KNOW.....but it's true.
We can listen and then say, in a loving way of course,"no sweetie you're being at idiot, stop doing that right now" and no one gets their panties in a twist.
Just an incredible group of women and I am so thrilled to have them in my life.
But that is not the point of this post.....the point is the breakthrough that I had last night.
Of course it may have just been the tequila.
What I came to last night was a TRUE realization of the traffic jam within my heart.
I've been single for some time now.
Yes I date and meet people but I have not had a true connection with anyone in quite some time.
I have had weeks of butterflies and rainbows but it always fades......why
Because there is someone else that lives in my heart.......and I put him there!
HE is bogging up the traffic and not letting anyone else in.
I know it's not HIM, its me and that was the true realization.
I am in charge of who takes the space in my life and I am the only one that can rearrange this traffic jam.
So I now have a new motto
Words without action mean NOTHING!!!
All those late night phone calls, sweet texts and long rambling emails mean nothing.
As the great Shazza says "has he actually stuck his fu*%ing tongue down your fu*%ing throat?"
NO...well then it means.......NOTHING..
Get him out of the spot, move the traffic cones and put out the road clear sign!!
I'm not saying get rid of him, or even give him an ultimatum
(men don't respond to those by the way)
Just move him to another place in your inner dialog.
I think this advice can be used my many people.
Don't we all have someone taking up valuable space.
So, clean it up, move it out....get that Man (or Woman) out of the deep, deep spot in your heart
Who knows what could happen :)
(and drink more's medicinal you know)
Bitch and Booze is a weekly tradition that all people should partake in.
Get a few dear friends together, good food, good drink and share the weekly "bitch" going on in your life.
It saves a lot on therapy bills but the key is the group of friends you pick.
Mine are AMAZING!
Why, because unlike many women, we can be honest with each other and it's OK
I KNOW.....but it's true.
We can listen and then say, in a loving way of course,"no sweetie you're being at idiot, stop doing that right now" and no one gets their panties in a twist.
Just an incredible group of women and I am so thrilled to have them in my life.
But that is not the point of this post.....the point is the breakthrough that I had last night.
Of course it may have just been the tequila.
What I came to last night was a TRUE realization of the traffic jam within my heart.
I've been single for some time now.
Yes I date and meet people but I have not had a true connection with anyone in quite some time.
I have had weeks of butterflies and rainbows but it always fades......why
Because there is someone else that lives in my heart.......and I put him there!
HE is bogging up the traffic and not letting anyone else in.
I know it's not HIM, its me and that was the true realization.
I am in charge of who takes the space in my life and I am the only one that can rearrange this traffic jam.
So I now have a new motto
Words without action mean NOTHING!!!
All those late night phone calls, sweet texts and long rambling emails mean nothing.
As the great Shazza says "has he actually stuck his fu*%ing tongue down your fu*%ing throat?"
NO...well then it means.......NOTHING..
Get him out of the spot, move the traffic cones and put out the road clear sign!!
I'm not saying get rid of him, or even give him an ultimatum
(men don't respond to those by the way)
Just move him to another place in your inner dialog.
I think this advice can be used my many people.
Don't we all have someone taking up valuable space.
So, clean it up, move it out....get that Man (or Woman) out of the deep, deep spot in your heart
Who knows what could happen :)
(and drink more's medicinal you know)
Hollywood South
Yes, it's true!!!!
Pinewood Studios has started construction.
This is so exciting, I may just run off and join the union (hey, that's actually a good idea)
Pinewood Studios has started construction.
This is so exciting, I may just run off and join the union (hey, that's actually a good idea)
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
By now everyone has seen the video of the woman trapped on the drawbridge.
Apparently this happened when, without warning ("what are those sirens?") the bridge suddenly (yes, cause those things fly up like a rocket) opened.
Sarcasm aside........I would like to tip my hat to this women.
If I can direct your attention to her left shoulder.
Not once during this ordeal did she think to give up her over sized pink purse.
A standing ovation to you madam. Brava, Brava!
With your mighty bosom exposed you held tight to that bag. Not even risk of.....dare I say......death would you abandon your sacred pink handbag to the rushing waters below.
You, mighty bridge walker, are a testament to womankind
Stay strong pink furry, stay strong
Apparently this happened when, without warning ("what are those sirens?") the bridge suddenly (yes, cause those things fly up like a rocket) opened.
Sarcasm aside........I would like to tip my hat to this women.
If I can direct your attention to her left shoulder.
Not once during this ordeal did she think to give up her over sized pink purse.
A standing ovation to you madam. Brava, Brava!
With your mighty bosom exposed you held tight to that bag. Not even risk of.....dare I say......death would you abandon your sacred pink handbag to the rushing waters below.
You, mighty bridge walker, are a testament to womankind
Stay strong pink furry, stay strong
Friday, October 11, 2013
Oh....the sappy is back
Drinking too much wine and listening to tracks of my childhood.
No wonder I'm such a sap. (bat damn this is a great song)
No wonder I'm such a sap. (bat damn this is a great song)
If I could make a wish
I think I'd pass
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound
Nothing to eat, no books to read
Making love with you
Has left me peaceful, warm and tired
What more could I ask
There's nothing left to be desired
Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak
So sleep, silent angel, go to sleep
Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak
So sleep, silent angel, go to sleep
Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you
I think I'd pass
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound
Nothing to eat, no books to read
Making love with you
Has left me peaceful, warm and tired
What more could I ask
There's nothing left to be desired
Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak
So sleep, silent angel, go to sleep
Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak
So sleep, silent angel, go to sleep
Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you
Oh and in case you did not know.......this is the original
(I know........I didn't know either....thanks google)
(I know........I didn't know either....thanks google)
Because its Friday...........
and it's still funny
no seriously this is still funny
Oh really.....then why do you know all the words :p
no seriously this is still funny
Oh really.....then why do you know all the words :p
Cruel to be kind
“Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.”
Saw Hamlet last night.
It was great
..........then it was long
..........then it was great again
It really is a beautiful adaptation, go see it if you can.
I have seen Hamlet a million times, I know we all have but this time was interesting.
Both myself and The Poet seemed to be more in tune to the cultural nuances of the work.
As we were walking out The Poet said "did anyone else notice the cruel to be kind remark?"
YES!!! it really stuck with me. All of it
"sweets to the sweeet"
"Good-night, sweet prince"
"The lady doth protest to much"
"to thine ownself be true"
and YES, cruel to be kind is from Hamlet!!!
"it must be cruel only to be kind"
Our cultural venacular is so linked to great literature.
Read's good for your soul.
Oh and a "really" point about the show.....the costume drapers name for this production is
Cindy Lou Who
That just makes me smile
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.”
Saw Hamlet last night.
It was great
..........then it was long
..........then it was great again
It really is a beautiful adaptation, go see it if you can.
I have seen Hamlet a million times, I know we all have but this time was interesting.
Both myself and The Poet seemed to be more in tune to the cultural nuances of the work.
As we were walking out The Poet said "did anyone else notice the cruel to be kind remark?"
YES!!! it really stuck with me. All of it
"sweets to the sweeet"
"Good-night, sweet prince"
"The lady doth protest to much"
"to thine ownself be true"
and YES, cruel to be kind is from Hamlet!!!
"it must be cruel only to be kind"
Our cultural venacular is so linked to great literature.
Read's good for your soul.
Oh and a "really" point about the show.....the costume drapers name for this production is
Cindy Lou Who
That just makes me smile
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
That's right ya'll,
today, October 8th, is National Face Your Fears Day!!!!
I normally could care less about "insert stupid premise" Day but this one........
I like it, it makes you think.
"Take a moment to consider what your life might be like if you conquered some of your greatest fears. What would you do differently? Face Your Fears Day gives you the chance to stand up to your fears, overcome them, and to seize the day"
I might just do something crazy..........
Of course this could make the commute home a little interesting (HA)
today, October 8th, is National Face Your Fears Day!!!!
I normally could care less about "insert stupid premise" Day but this one........
I like it, it makes you think.
"Take a moment to consider what your life might be like if you conquered some of your greatest fears. What would you do differently? Face Your Fears Day gives you the chance to stand up to your fears, overcome them, and to seize the day"
I might just do something crazy..........
Of course this could make the commute home a little interesting (HA)
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Friday, October 4, 2013
I like it when food is funny..................
Most of you know I bake
I actually love to bake........however...decorating is NOT my gift.
I mean....I'm ok at it, I can frost a cake but I'm not a "professional cake decorator"
I and my kitchen were both disaster areas after decorating these bad boys
I had frosting on my right boob!!!
No, I did not bake in the nude and no there was no hanky panky upon the counter......
yet I managed to get frosting under my t-shirt, under my bra and onto my right boob!?!
Anyway, while trying to look busy at wo........I mean working really hard today, I stumbled upon this little gem
The maternity and shower cakes...........horrifying
I actually love to bake........however...decorating is NOT my gift.
I mean....I'm ok at it, I can frost a cake but I'm not a "professional cake decorator"
I and my kitchen were both disaster areas after decorating these bad boys
I had frosting on my right boob!!!
No, I did not bake in the nude and no there was no hanky panky upon the counter......
yet I managed to get frosting under my t-shirt, under my bra and onto my right boob!?!
Anyway, while trying to look busy at wo........I mean working really hard today, I stumbled upon this little gem
The maternity and shower cakes...........horrifying
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Yeah, I posted it
OK, so this is the infamous "naked Miley Cyrus, writhing on a wrecking ball licking a sledge hammer" video.
I know, I've seen it a million times too.
But you know what hasn't happened......
I have not heard the song.......
As I am NOT a fan of Miley Cyrus, I ASSumed I would not like the song
Well what do you know.......
seeing something in its intended and complete context changes the image a little bit.
I'm going to make another HUGE ASSumption and as this young woman did NOT write this song, I am probably way off the mark.
That being said, it's my blog so I'm going where I want to go.....
She is a young artist coming into her own and has had her first (for all we know) real love end.
Listening to this song today and watching this "trashy" video
all I could think was.........."God, this is sad".
It is amazing how our media refuses to look at anything in its complete context
(yes, please, read between the lines, perhaps this post is not about Miley Cyrus)
Seeing these images along with the words (as intended) all I see is heartbreak.
It's not trashy, or rude
It's actually very, very sad and powerful.
It's trashy and rude when you play it without the MUSIC!!!
I've watched it a few times and I keep thinking of the 20 year old me, trotting across
a dance floor, and planting my hiney right on the strangers lap that I spent the next 5 years with!
I would NEVER do that today, not in a million years.
But you know what...........
it was the most passionate love affair I ever had
and yes
to this day
I will always WANT him.
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