Friday, October 25, 2013

rant, rant, rant

Yup...I'm going to rant again.......

I know it's really exciting....try to contain yourself. fellas, listen up because I know many of you have been in the scenario.

You are casually dating chick A.

You like chick A, she's cute enough, fun, nice to spend time with but nothing mind blowing.
Basically just something to get you out of the house or keep you warm on those cold nights but
you already know she is not "THE ONE"

Suddenly you meet chick B.

Chick B is perfect; she's beautiful, funny, intelligent.....everything you have ever wanted.
You adore her, your friends are jealous your family thinks she is the greatest thing since electricity.....
Life is wonderful and blissful except...........for the chick A problem.

You, being the reasonable man that you are, decide to calmly end things with chick A by being honest and truthful about your feelings for this new person, chick B.

Yay, chick A is no longer and issue, you have let her down in a mature adult fashion and are now free to pursue the love of you life, chick B..................

Life is great, you are experiencing a level of bliss you have not reached in years.
Work no longer sucks, the air seems clearer, you no longer sweat the small stuff, things are perfect


Now guys I'm going to let you in on a little known fact......all women have a psycho gene.

Some of us learn at an early age how to control this gene and we put the proper restraints and safely nets in place to prevent the psycho gene from ruining our lives and yours.
Unfortunately, there are just as many of us who have never accepted this fact and don't even know what a safety net is.
An even sadder fact is it is impossible to recognize the later woman until it is too late.

So there you are, fully engaged in the loving warmth of chick B when you are blindsided.

Chick A is back and her psycho is in full force

"hey, um, I just thought you should know that I'm pregnant"

Now here comes the rant fellas.

If you wonder why every woman you know, including Chick B, looks at you with a bored
"oh....really" look on her face when you give her this shocking news......

It's because we know that 9 times out of 10
IT'S A LIE!!!!

The ex always lies about a baby.
We know it and at a certain should you.

Go to the Doctor with this psycho, get a sonogram.......
Hell, get a pee stick.........get some sort of proof before you trash the potential bliss that you now have with chick B.

I totally get it.
You are a stand up guy
You WILL be responsible and support the mother of your unborn child.

That's awesome, and I'm so glad that you are a decent guy
but can we please just take this little situation one day at a time instead of pulling the rip cord on everything good in life.

Inevitably,  in a few days or weeks there will suddenly be no baby and you will be forced with cleaning up the mess you made with chick B.

This, my dear friends, is a fact........and once again the mess caused by some psycho is causing havoc in my peaceful life.

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