Friday, November 8, 2013


I know, I know we are a capitalist society.
Our economy is dependent on consumer spending and we need to be open for the consumer when the consumer wants us to be open.

I get it
Can we please have one sacred day out of 365.

With K-Mart announcing a 41 hour blowout sale starting at 6am Thanksgiving morning, it really seems we are on the path to losing a uniquely American holiday.

I love Thanksgiving, wake up to a bit of a chill, grab some coffee or a little hot cider with SC (it's a holiday....what!?!) and start cooking while the house slowly fills with yummy smells and more voices.

The men in the living room watching the Macy Parade and then football and the women in the kitchen worrying over some casserole or if Aunt Jean is bringing more dressing.

SIDEBAR - in the South we serve dressing. It's a wonderful mix of bread crumbs and specialness that is cooked in a glass pyrex pan. It is AMAZING and should be served more often. We DO NOT serve stuffing....why would anyone want to eat something out of a turkeys butt anyway

No one went shopping!
Hell, if God forbid you forgot milk you had to send one of the boys down to the 7-11 right quick because even that closed early.

AND you happily paid the $5 for a quart because it was the only place open!

Thanksgiving is such a unique holiday.
It's about family and taking one day to truly appreciate the good in your life.
It doesn't matter if your religious, if you have a big family or a small family, if you celebrate around a table or on a tv tray, if you serve turkey with all the trimmings or tandoori chicken, every person who calls themselves an American can celebrate Thanksgiving.

It's going to be a sad day when Thanksgiving becomes a national holiday to go to the mall.

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