Monday, March 3, 2014

Yes.....its a petition

I know
and I'm sorry
but here's the thing, this was started because allegedly someone living behind
Sutton Middle School (it's not Sutton Middle anymore) is, allegedly, unhappy with the way the field space is being children playing....allegedly.

Available green space in Atlanta is hard to find. The City currently allows for the use of Atlanta Public School (APS) facilities and green spaces by third-party groups, or youth recreation and sporting organizations without requiring special use permits. These activities and partnerships bring worthwhile benefits to the children, families, schools, and neighborhoods in our City. This use is currently being contested.

I went to Sutton Middle School, most of my friends went to Sutton Middle school, most of the people I know from Atlanta went to Sutton Middle School. 
I, and pretty much everyone I know, played soccer or baseball or football on these fields, even if they did not go to Sutton. The thought that some person, allegedly,  wants to put a stop to children playing on a field, allegedly, is ridiculous.

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