Or......."Oh My God, they were right"
Yes, there is a link to a Fox and Friends story on my blog.
I know, don't everybody freak out but this has me really upset and not for the reason you may think.
I would first like to preface that I abhor what this girl is doing. It absolutely kills me and almost drives me to tears to see photos of any kill much less big game. And if you think this went the way of "the great white hunter" you probably don't believe children are being prostituted in Thailand either.
This is big game travel and it's a huge industry worth millions and millions of dollars. I have had to deal with this type of travel before. When I worked for big blue I had a "gentleman" call me frantic and furious because he had just landed in Nairobi and his "AKbiggianticanblowthesideoffabarn" high powered hunting rifle did not make it.
I can even recall him saying "how am I supposed to shot a lion without a gun"
I almost threw up, it was horrible. I had to not only remain professional but I HAD to help him find his gun.
It was a really horrible day.
(and before everybody gets all "I would have told him he could shove"......no you would not, you have to keep your job just like I do. The amount of suck it up and take it everyone does in their job is just that, so don't even go there)
But here is the thing, that type of hunting is legal oh and it's also done right here in the good ole US of A.
Now I know what you're thinking, "T look what she did, she's all smiley and flaunting over these beautiful majestic animals on her Facebook page".
Yes, she is, she's 19, that's what 19 year old's do. The take lots and lots of pictures of themselves doing what they love and share it with the world. Have you been living under a rock lately.
I do find her love of killing pretty animals personally offensive but I find the personal attacks and death threats against her and her family even worse.
I also find the ignorant act of petitioning to get her FB page down pointless.
And this is where I have to side with my conservative friends.
Can't we do anything besides personally attacking people.
Wishing her death and taking down her Facebook page will change NOTHING!!!!
Unfortunately, I thought I might be able to add a little logic to the situation and I posted this.
To all those people who are opposed to what this child is doing, you're wrong. Go after the governments and businesses in Africa, South Africa, America, Europe and Asia that profit from this. Yes, this is a business, it's a huge business. If you want to end it that's who you have to go after. Will it be a long fight, yes. Will it be an expensive fight, yes but vilifying a 19 year old girl for participating in a legal act, that's a complete waste of time and energy. I don't agree with what she's doing but this is legal. You don't like it, do something to actually change it instead of asking Facebook to take down her page. That's not activism, that's the definition of lazy. You want to make some real changes in this world, you got to do something, not just sign a petition. So until one of you is willing to really stand up against this, leave this little girl alone. This is just bullying, it's not going to change the industry.
Yep, I posted that, on FB, under my real name, in an open forum.......I may have to go into hiding.
What is so surprising is the "gun-totting" conservatives are supporting me even though I clearly state that I am opposed to this. That statement is not a pro-gun, pro-hunting statement, not by a long shot.
Now the "liberals"......they want my head. Seriously, like brutal, brutal stuff. I never knew so much hate existed. You would have thought I killed an entire pride of baby lions then photographed myself lying in a state of bliss among the carcasses.
I knew I would get some "comments" when I posted it but I had no idea the amount of hatred that would come flooding my way.
That being said, I am now a full fledged, nut job, Facebook fighting B&TCH!!!
I believe in my statement and without threatening or degrading anyone I have stood my ground.
It is wrong to vilify this little girl. It is wrong to attack her family and I have calmly and rationally answered every rude, offensive and threatening comment with the same statement; this is wrong and will do nothing to change the business of killing big game.
It is time that people (not democrats or republicans or liberals or conservatives or WHATEVER) learn to stop bullying each other and make the changes they want to make. If you feel so passionately about something, do something. If the only thing you want to do is bitch on Facebook, you are not passionate about your cause, you're just pissed off and bored.
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