Hey fellow Atlantan's
Are you tired, worn out, stressed beyond believe?
Are the kids, dogs, boss, that annoying co-worker making you crazy?
What you need is a vacation.
"Oh right T, who can afford a vacation in this economy?"
I know, but just picture this..............................
A beautiful resort set among green trees and rolling hills, on a lake with a majestic mountain in the distance.
"that sounds great T, but like I said.....I'm broke"
Well what if I told you that this place is right here in the ATL.
Marriott Evergreen resort at Stone Mountain.'
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Maureen, Todd, Eugene, Vivian, Furdonna, Diana, Joe, Frank, Camille, Christina, Chris..........and the countless others on floors 34 and 35, today I think of you.
13 years ago today we became a family bound by tragedy. As we all began our day in the peach palace little did we know the horror and pain that would play out from the usually glorious view of our office windows.
The memories of that morning always hurt, they always bring tears but I no longer fear them like I once did.
Those awful, awful memories have become a part of me. They have made me love deeper, forgive easier and to never, never take my life for granted.
I know that life can change in an instant. I know that your world can become unrecognizable in a second. I know that the sky can fall down.
13 years ago today we became a family bound by tragedy. As we all began our day in the peach palace little did we know the horror and pain that would play out from the usually glorious view of our office windows.
The memories of that morning always hurt, they always bring tears but I no longer fear them like I once did.
Those awful, awful memories have become a part of me. They have made me love deeper, forgive easier and to never, never take my life for granted.
I know that life can change in an instant. I know that your world can become unrecognizable in a second. I know that the sky can fall down.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Quest for jeans
I know, blue jean shopping.....it sucks.
It's almost as bad as bathing suit shopping.
Well ladies before you go off and start with the whole "men don't have these problems"
"guys will never understand what it's like to......"
I must stop you. I recently had a very eye opening experience.
You see my lovely biker man wears a 32/36.
Let me state that again, he wears a 32 waist and 36 length pant!
We went to more stores that I have ever been to to buy jeans even during the dreaded "my ass is how big!?!" days.
You know it's bad when the salesman at the big and tall shop says "wait, what size did you say!?!" Apparently this size is such a rarity that no one keeps it in stock. He had to revert to trying on jeans that he knows will be too short to "get the fit" then special order the correct waist/length size, if they even carry it.
And don't even get me started on shirts. Poor guy has to buy XXL in anything button down even though he wears an L or an XL. He then tailors it so its not a tent around him. If he buys a smaller size the shoulders are too narrow and the sleeves are too short. And I thought I had clothing problems.
I now understand why my 6ft5 biker has a sewing machine and knows how to use it......very well.
This is going on the invitations
So very, very beautiful
I am not the first person you loved. You are not the first person I looked at with a mouthful of forevers. We have both known loss like the sharp edges of a knife. We have both lived with lips more scar tissue than skin. Our love came unannounced in the middle of the night. Our love came when we’d given up on asking love to come. I think that has to be part of its miracle. This is how we heal. I will kiss you like forgiveness. You will hold me like I’m hope. Our arms will bandage and we will press promises between us like flowers in a book. I will write sonnets to the salt of sweat on your skin. I will write novels to the scar of your nose. I will write a dictionary of all the words I have used trying to describe the way it feels to have finally, finally found you. And I will not be afraid of your scars. I know sometimes it’s still hard to let me see you in all your cracked perfection, but please know: whether it’s the days you burn more brilliant than the sun or the nights you collapse into my lap your body broken into a thousand questions, you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I will love you when you are a still day. I will love you when you are a hurricane. ~ Clementine von Radics, “Mouthful of Forever”
I am not the first person you loved. You are not the first person I looked at with a mouthful of forevers. We have both known loss like the sharp edges of a knife. We have both lived with lips more scar tissue than skin. Our love came unannounced in the middle of the night. Our love came when we’d given up on asking love to come. I think that has to be part of its miracle. This is how we heal. I will kiss you like forgiveness. You will hold me like I’m hope. Our arms will bandage and we will press promises between us like flowers in a book. I will write sonnets to the salt of sweat on your skin. I will write novels to the scar of your nose. I will write a dictionary of all the words I have used trying to describe the way it feels to have finally, finally found you. And I will not be afraid of your scars. I know sometimes it’s still hard to let me see you in all your cracked perfection, but please know: whether it’s the days you burn more brilliant than the sun or the nights you collapse into my lap your body broken into a thousand questions, you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I will love you when you are a still day. I will love you when you are a hurricane. ~ Clementine von Radics, “Mouthful of Forever”
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
We lost another artist this week.
It is always tragic when these beautiful lights go out, but there is something significantly different this time.
Usually when someone takes their own life there is the tragic shaking of the head, that grim flat mouth and the obligatory "what a shame"; but it is too often followed by something else, blame.
Our society so often blames the afflicted for not being able to conquer their illness.
I'm not hearing as much blame this time.
Maybe it's that Mr. Williams was so loved and adored, maybe it's because we always knew he was "a little touched" but maybe, just maybe, we are changing.
Perhaps our society is finally willing to see mental illness for what it is, a debilitating, all too often fatal disease.
Perhaps we can become more tolerant of the those who suffer so silently, so shamefully.
Robin Williams was loved and admired by millions but this horrible disease made it impossible for him to feel that love. That is the tragedy of depression. It robs you of your ability to see or feel the support that may be standing right in front of you. We can only hope that the tragic end to Mr. Williams amazing life can open the doors wider and help our society remove the shame so closely related to depression.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Why didn't I think of this
I think I know what someone is getting for his Birthday.........................
This Guy Paints Random Characters Into Old Thrift Store Paintings
David Irvine is the talented artist behind the Gnarled Branch. The self-professed illustrator and crafter is known for his whimsical furniture, his Gothic sculptures and what he describes as ‘Re-Directed Paintings’.
Featured below is his ongoing series of re-directed paintings where Irvine finds old and/or discarded thrift store paintings and revives them by adding a recognizable character or two. The artist sells the paintings along with prints of the pieces on Etsy, Society 6 and Red Bubble.
The artist is also always available for commissions and you can see much more of his artwork on his Facebook page. To keep up with the latest, be sure to check out David at the online links below.
O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
The arm beneath your head!
It is some dream that on the deck,
You’ve fallen cold and dead.
My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will,
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done,
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
But I with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
My hair will never be straight again
This past month has been.............................interesting.
I have been thrust into a world I never thought I would be a part of.
Not only has this become my life but it is a life that I am truly, truly excited about.
Oh yeah, I'm also in love but that's a story for another day ;)
My man is a biker, he has been for most of his life.
That's what he is comfortable on.
He will drive a car but if he has his way, he's on two wheels, rain or shine.
Because of this, I am often on two wheels........and I LOVE it!!!
This has been so surprising to me. I have always looked at this as a silly activity. I see these girls, clinging to the back of some helmet clad guy, racing down the highway, it just doesn't look fun, but.......
Our first date lasted 50 hours. (no, that is not a typo......50 hours!)
We rode to the mountains, feeling the shift in air between the peaks and valleys.
Headed down south for a swim, hit the city for a little while.
Basically, we rode all weekend.
It was amazing.
Oh, and the fear factor, not there (well, OK I still get a little nervous with highways at night but we're working on that).
It's kind of amazing.
Now don't lecture me.
I know how dangerous it is, I know that if, God forbid, something goes wrong, it will go very wrong.
I know this, but I also know there is a "what if" scenario to everything we do.
Seriously, stop and take a good hard look at how many near misses you have had in your life........
"what if" can suck it as far as I'm concerned.
Oh also, if you feel the need to immediately share your story about how your brother/cousin/friend died/lost a limb/or was totally disfigured within the first five seconds of coming in contact with us......YOU are a douche bag.
Thank you for playing.
Not only is the bike and the man and the whole situation amazing but the other people I've meet are incredible.
I have always said "bikers and truckers are some of the nicest people you will ever meet"
That is so unbelievably true.
From everyone at the bike shop to bikers we meet on the road (yes, we meet people while riding....it's a bike only phenomenon. Don't try it in your car, it doesn't work), I have not met an a$$ yet.
(yeah, I know they are coming....why are you raining on my parade......jeez)
I can honestly say that I have not had this much fun or been this content since.........
I don't know.
I will try very hard not to fill the blog with pictures of bunnies or Air Supply songs, but I make no promises. ;)
![]() |
Sexy Sadie |
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Update on Greg Germani
You may recall a story I posted last month about Greg Germani, a bicyclist hit by an SUV and basically left to die on the side of the road (no that is not an exaggeration, he was in ICU for weeks and has a long recovery ahead of him).
Well.......................they caught the bastard and his scumbag girlfriend who tampered with evidence to try and hide him.
Well.......................they caught the bastard and his scumbag girlfriend who tampered with evidence to try and hide him.
updated: 7:57 a.m. Thursday, July 17, 2014 | Posted: 5:57 a.m. Thursday, July 17, 2014
Man suspected of running down bicyclist arrested
By Mike Morris
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The 19-year-old man who police say ran down and seriously injured a bicyclist on a northeast Atlanta street last month was arrested early Thursday and booked into the Fulton County Jail.
Joseph Alan Lewis is expected to appear before a magistrate judge at 11 a.m. Thursday, just hours after he was booked into the jail on nearly a dozen charges including attempted murder.
Atlanta police Wednesday evening announced that Lewis was the suspect in the June 9 attack on Gregory T. Germani, 50, in the Morningside neighborhood. Lewis’ girlfriend Shanelle Woodard, 22, also of Atlanta, was arrested Wednesday and charged with tampering with evidence.
Lt. Rod Woody said police are positive that the Dodge Nitro impounded June 23 was the one that hit Germani. Woody added that the Nitro is owned by Lewis.
“We did collect evidence at the scene that we were able to connect to the vehicle absolutely,” Woody said. “And we have some video evidence with (Woodard) tampering with evidence.”
Germani was in intensive care at Grady Memorial Hospital for several weeks with brain trauma, but has been steadily improving, said his girlfriend, Beth Anne Harrill. He has since been released from Grady and is recovering in a private facility.
“He’s doing better,” Harrill said Wednesday. “He is beginning to say some words and he is making gradual improvements each day but it is going to be a long, long, long recovery for him.”
Germani is the creator of the local historical site, Atlanta Time Machine. A Crime Stoppers reward fund for information in Germani’s case raised almost $18,000, and it was a tip from Crime Stoppers that led police to Lewis’ Dodge Nitro, Woody said.
Police also have a surveillance video of the moments before the June 9 incident. The nine-second video shows a red Dodge Nitro heading down Flagler Avenue in one direction before disappearing out of view. Next, a cyclist speeds down the street in the opposite direction, soon followed by the Dodge Nitro.
Police say the car hit Germani before speeding away. Germani suffered serious injuries to the head, neck, and torso.
Witnesses say that Germani and the driver of the vehicle engaged in a verbal dispute moments before Germani was hit.
After the dispute, Germani sped off down Flagler Avenue, as if fleeing the SUV, while the SUV took off after him, witnesses said.
Witnesses found Germani under a silver SUV parked along the curb in the 1800 block of Flagler Avenue, while the red SUV was seen speeding away, taking a right onto Rock Springs Road toward Piedmont Avenue.
Charges against Lewis listed on the Fulton jail website are criminal attempt to commit murder, reckless driving, hit-and-run, aggravated assault, aggressive driving, serious injury by vehicle, criminal damage to property, failure to report an accident, having an expired or no license and having an expired or no license plate or decal.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Monday, July 7, 2014
and just like that.........
I don't know what you did this weekend but mine was.......totally unexpected and absolutely stellar.
This video is not only beautiful, but pretty much sums up the feeling tonight.
Don't want to come off this ride anytime soon.
Update - apparently the audio track has been changed on this to something that in my opinion.....ruins it.
I found this one which is a little better but still...MEH
The original that I posted Sunday had Andrea Bocelli performing Con Te Partiro.........it just loses something without it. Ah, the power of music.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Happy 4th!!!!
Go put on your flag bikini and cowboy hat cause it's the 4th of July!!!!!!
Why are there no knock - knock jokes about American?
I don't know, why are there no knock-knock jokes about America?
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Everybody was Facebook Fighting
Or......."Oh My God, they were right"
Yes, there is a link to a Fox and Friends story on my blog.
I know, don't everybody freak out but this has me really upset and not for the reason you may think.
I would first like to preface that I abhor what this girl is doing. It absolutely kills me and almost drives me to tears to see photos of any kill much less big game. And if you think this went the way of "the great white hunter" you probably don't believe children are being prostituted in Thailand either.
This is big game travel and it's a huge industry worth millions and millions of dollars. I have had to deal with this type of travel before. When I worked for big blue I had a "gentleman" call me frantic and furious because he had just landed in Nairobi and his "AKbiggianticanblowthesideoffabarn" high powered hunting rifle did not make it.
I can even recall him saying "how am I supposed to shot a lion without a gun"
I almost threw up, it was horrible. I had to not only remain professional but I HAD to help him find his gun.
It was a really horrible day.
(and before everybody gets all "I would have told him he could shove"......no you would not, you have to keep your job just like I do. The amount of suck it up and take it everyone does in their job is just that, so don't even go there)
But here is the thing, that type of hunting is legal oh and it's also done right here in the good ole US of A.
Now I know what you're thinking, "T look what she did, she's all smiley and flaunting over these beautiful majestic animals on her Facebook page".
Yes, she is, she's 19, that's what 19 year old's do. The take lots and lots of pictures of themselves doing what they love and share it with the world. Have you been living under a rock lately.
I do find her love of killing pretty animals personally offensive but I find the personal attacks and death threats against her and her family even worse.
I also find the ignorant act of petitioning to get her FB page down pointless.
And this is where I have to side with my conservative friends.
Can't we do anything besides personally attacking people.
Wishing her death and taking down her Facebook page will change NOTHING!!!!
Unfortunately, I thought I might be able to add a little logic to the situation and I posted this.
To all those people who are opposed to what this child is doing, you're wrong. Go after the governments and businesses in Africa, South Africa, America, Europe and Asia that profit from this. Yes, this is a business, it's a huge business. If you want to end it that's who you have to go after. Will it be a long fight, yes. Will it be an expensive fight, yes but vilifying a 19 year old girl for participating in a legal act, that's a complete waste of time and energy. I don't agree with what she's doing but this is legal. You don't like it, do something to actually change it instead of asking Facebook to take down her page. That's not activism, that's the definition of lazy. You want to make some real changes in this world, you got to do something, not just sign a petition. So until one of you is willing to really stand up against this, leave this little girl alone. This is just bullying, it's not going to change the industry.
Yep, I posted that, on FB, under my real name, in an open forum.......I may have to go into hiding.
What is so surprising is the "gun-totting" conservatives are supporting me even though I clearly state that I am opposed to this. That statement is not a pro-gun, pro-hunting statement, not by a long shot.
Now the "liberals"......they want my head. Seriously, like brutal, brutal stuff. I never knew so much hate existed. You would have thought I killed an entire pride of baby lions then photographed myself lying in a state of bliss among the carcasses.
I knew I would get some "comments" when I posted it but I had no idea the amount of hatred that would come flooding my way.
That being said, I am now a full fledged, nut job, Facebook fighting B&TCH!!!
I believe in my statement and without threatening or degrading anyone I have stood my ground.
It is wrong to vilify this little girl. It is wrong to attack her family and I have calmly and rationally answered every rude, offensive and threatening comment with the same statement; this is wrong and will do nothing to change the business of killing big game.
It is time that people (not democrats or republicans or liberals or conservatives or WHATEVER) learn to stop bullying each other and make the changes they want to make. If you feel so passionately about something, do something. If the only thing you want to do is bitch on Facebook, you are not passionate about your cause, you're just pissed off and bored.
Yes, there is a link to a Fox and Friends story on my blog.
I know, don't everybody freak out but this has me really upset and not for the reason you may think.
I would first like to preface that I abhor what this girl is doing. It absolutely kills me and almost drives me to tears to see photos of any kill much less big game. And if you think this went the way of "the great white hunter" you probably don't believe children are being prostituted in Thailand either.
This is big game travel and it's a huge industry worth millions and millions of dollars. I have had to deal with this type of travel before. When I worked for big blue I had a "gentleman" call me frantic and furious because he had just landed in Nairobi and his "AKbiggianticanblowthesideoffabarn" high powered hunting rifle did not make it.
I can even recall him saying "how am I supposed to shot a lion without a gun"
I almost threw up, it was horrible. I had to not only remain professional but I HAD to help him find his gun.
It was a really horrible day.
(and before everybody gets all "I would have told him he could shove"......no you would not, you have to keep your job just like I do. The amount of suck it up and take it everyone does in their job is just that, so don't even go there)
But here is the thing, that type of hunting is legal oh and it's also done right here in the good ole US of A.
Now I know what you're thinking, "T look what she did, she's all smiley and flaunting over these beautiful majestic animals on her Facebook page".
Yes, she is, she's 19, that's what 19 year old's do. The take lots and lots of pictures of themselves doing what they love and share it with the world. Have you been living under a rock lately.
I do find her love of killing pretty animals personally offensive but I find the personal attacks and death threats against her and her family even worse.
I also find the ignorant act of petitioning to get her FB page down pointless.
And this is where I have to side with my conservative friends.
Can't we do anything besides personally attacking people.
Wishing her death and taking down her Facebook page will change NOTHING!!!!
Unfortunately, I thought I might be able to add a little logic to the situation and I posted this.
To all those people who are opposed to what this child is doing, you're wrong. Go after the governments and businesses in Africa, South Africa, America, Europe and Asia that profit from this. Yes, this is a business, it's a huge business. If you want to end it that's who you have to go after. Will it be a long fight, yes. Will it be an expensive fight, yes but vilifying a 19 year old girl for participating in a legal act, that's a complete waste of time and energy. I don't agree with what she's doing but this is legal. You don't like it, do something to actually change it instead of asking Facebook to take down her page. That's not activism, that's the definition of lazy. You want to make some real changes in this world, you got to do something, not just sign a petition. So until one of you is willing to really stand up against this, leave this little girl alone. This is just bullying, it's not going to change the industry.
Yep, I posted that, on FB, under my real name, in an open forum.......I may have to go into hiding.
What is so surprising is the "gun-totting" conservatives are supporting me even though I clearly state that I am opposed to this. That statement is not a pro-gun, pro-hunting statement, not by a long shot.
Now the "liberals"......they want my head. Seriously, like brutal, brutal stuff. I never knew so much hate existed. You would have thought I killed an entire pride of baby lions then photographed myself lying in a state of bliss among the carcasses.
I knew I would get some "comments" when I posted it but I had no idea the amount of hatred that would come flooding my way.
That being said, I am now a full fledged, nut job, Facebook fighting B&TCH!!!
I believe in my statement and without threatening or degrading anyone I have stood my ground.
It is wrong to vilify this little girl. It is wrong to attack her family and I have calmly and rationally answered every rude, offensive and threatening comment with the same statement; this is wrong and will do nothing to change the business of killing big game.
It is time that people (not democrats or republicans or liberals or conservatives or WHATEVER) learn to stop bullying each other and make the changes they want to make. If you feel so passionately about something, do something. If the only thing you want to do is bitch on Facebook, you are not passionate about your cause, you're just pissed off and bored.
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
I only live in 628 sq feet but I'll make room........
London is Invaded by Beautiful Benches Dressed as Books
London is the setting for an overwhelming amount of the stories in classic British fiction, but until now this hasn’t had an overwhelming effect on the landscape of the city.
However, yesterday, as part of Books About Town, a literacy campaign by the National Literacy Trust and Wild In Art, fifty benches were unveiled across the capital, all decororated to represent a major landmark in literary history. These ranged from the profound, like Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species, to the delightfully youthful We’re Going On A Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen.
And of course, the organisers couldn’t leave this fellow out, what with an imminent film and everything:
Other benches have appearances from James Bond, Bridget Jones, Sherlock Holmes, Alice in Wonderland, Mary Poppins, Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot andVirginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway. You can see more of them at the Books About Town website.
Books About Town deposited the benches in various prominent London locations, including Bloomsbury, Riverside, the City and over the river in Greenwich.
These will remain in position for two months, and then will be auctioned off on October 7, to raise funds for the National Literacy Trust.
Cressida Cowell, author and illustrator of How To Train Your Dragon, told Radio Times: “I am so excited to have designed a How to Train Your Dragon BookBench and to be part of the National Literacy Trust’s Books about Town campaign to celebrate the wealth of writing and illustrating talent in this country. I am hoping that Books about Town will remind Londoners on the streets of the joy of reading books.”
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
I've always said that everyone should work as a server or bartender at least once in their lifetime.
Why, because it makes you a better person. First of all, it's NOT that easy. You not only have to remember table numbers, menu items, specialty drinks and computer codes; you also have to mold your personality to the people you are serving in split second, and you have to do it over and over again for 8 to 12 hours at a time.
It's brutal, but it teaches you.
I've been a server a bartender and a hostess and it's taught me more about sales and customer service than 20+ years in corporate America.
You learn to be a lot more flexible. You learn that things sell out, favorite tables are not always available, reservations don't always mean that and you learn people can get really mean and crazy over, tiny insignificant sh*t.
Got to spend last night with some of my old comrades from Rosebud
Had a great time catching up and getting all the latest gossip. Restaurant stories are always the best, another bonus to working in the biz.
This was passed around and I just had to share. It's brilliant
PS-----wishing you love and health E.D.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Brother Ted just sent this over.........doesn't exactly strike fear in the heart.
(The googly eyed kitty is my favorite)
Monday, June 30, 2014
Fingers crossed folks
I'm not saying Avondale has a habit of changing it's mind but........
just keep your fingers crossed.
It's a fantastic music venue, I got to see The Dixie Tramps there (I love you Kevin Elrod :))
just keep your fingers crossed.
It's a fantastic music venue, I got to see The Dixie Tramps there (I love you Kevin Elrod :))
Old Towne Cinema In Avondale Estates Will Be A Music Venue
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, by Kimberly Turner
Avondale Estates! Are you ready to rock?! (Very quietly, of course.) Decaturishreports that city commissioners from Avondale Estates, the land of adorable tudors and horrific speed traps, approved an application yesterday for a plan to transform the city's old Towne Cinema into a music venue. The building has been a private residence, a post office, the city hall, the Nickel & Dime Recording Studio and a 500-seat theater during its 89-year life but has been sitting vacant for quite some time. It was purchased along with the rest of the tudor village for $1.1 million in 2012 and has been looking for someone with the right vision ever since. Last June, Birmingham lawyer Stewart Wilbanks dropped the idea of opening a music venue in the space, saying he didn't have time for a project of that size. This year, roadie and Sister Hazel merch dude (yes, that Sister Hazel) Tony Longval is bringing the dream back to life. He's got three investors, a plan and buckets of enthusiasm.
Longval hopes to start work within two months and have the first of three phases finished six to seven months after that, so don't go buying your tickets just yet. His crew will restore the balcony, turn the old projector room into a speakeasy serving cocktails and tapas and install "some of the best [soundproofing] in the world."
Once the remodel is complete, he hopes the venue will provide an intimate setting for acoustic shows by "national, semi-national and up-and-coming artists." That sounds like Eddie's Attic Part II until you read the rest of Longval's plan, which sounds like he is open to just about anything, including but not limited to jazz, pop, rock, country, blues, Broadway, improv, theater, kids events, private events such as video shoots, tv shows, movie shoots and weddings. So anything. Well, anything EXCEPT for a nightclub. Avondale officials were so concerned about the possibility of a raging club ending up in their tudor village (the venue will be open until 2 a.m.) that they went allFootloose and approved the plan under the condition that there is to be no designated dance floor.
Parking is one of the project's primary obstacles. With just 13 parking spacesout front and 26 in the rear, Longval is hoping that the city goes through with plans to lease a nearby MARTA lot that could add 150 spaces.
Chute happens....
hehehehehe ;)
Evacuation slide deploys midair
Evacuation slide deploys midair
on United flight
By Joe Sutton, CNN
updated 6:34 AM EDT, Mon June 30, 2014
(CNN) -- A United Airlines flight was forced to land in Wichita, Kansas, after the evacuation slide accidentally deployed midair Sunday, the airline said.
The Boeing 737 was carrying 96 passengers and five crew members. It was on its way from Chicago O'Hare International Airport to John Wayne Airport in Orange County, California.
The slide opened inside the rear of the cabin.
"I heard this pop. I turn around and the slide was open," passenger Michael Schroeder said.
There were no injuries, United spokeswoman Christen David said.
"All passengers were seated at the time the slide deployed. A passenger did not attempt to open the door in flight," David said.
Schroeder said the plane didn't appear to lose cabin pressure and "the crew was pretty calm about it."
"Every landing you walk away from is a good one," he added.
In November, a JetBlue plane on its way to Boston was diverted to Orlando after an evacuation slide opened in flight.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Cockneys vs Zombies
If you have never seen this movie stop what you are doing and go watch it NOW!!!
It is hilarious and truly what a zombie movie should be.
Zombies take over East End and the survivors must fight them off with an enormous amount of automatic weapons and a samurai sword.......Yes.......it is AWESOME!!
It's funny as hell plus you get your fill of the beautiful cockney accent
Lets face it, cockney and the accents of the deep, deep south are two of the greatest accents on the planet why do you think America loves Downton Abbey so much.
When you run out of options......................
go to Florida
I have no idea what it is about Florida but it just seems to screw your head back on.
I don't know if it's the oppressive heat, the meth-heads, the college drunks or the old folks just waiting to check-out, but something about the "craziness" of Florida puts it all back in perspective.
Maybe it's the wife beater, jean short combo that is so prevalent in these parts.
Whatever it is, it has healing properties.
Long story sort, your fearless heroine is single once again. :(
As much as I tried to be okay with the "didn't even make it off the ground" ending of my most recent relationship I'm not handling it so well.
There are many other factors but the "I'm going to die alone" pity party has been playing pretty loud in the old noggin this past week.
When Kel said "let's just go to Florida" Friday afternoon I assumed he was talking out of both sides of his mouth.
"we can be there in 5 hours, what is there to think about.....get in the effing car"
I can't go to Florida, who will watch the cat, I don't have any clothes, where will we stay.......
"The cat can live for two days on dry food and water, you need a bathing suit, flip flops and a pair of shorts in case we go somewhere "fancy" for dinner.......we are grown a$$ adults with credit cards we will find a hotel and besides, you used to take off to places like Tokyo and Paris with less notice.....what the hell happened!!"
He was right. I did used to be the crazy, spontaneous one. Hell my old motto was "I'll sleep when I'm dead"
Seriously..........what happened.
They twisted my arm and we made it the Redneck Riviera in record time. Actually found a really nice hotel and did absolutely nothing all weekend.
It was fantastic and I feel a little better. (yes, the pity party is still there.....I got dumped, it sucks....give me some time.......jeesh)
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Good Morning |
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Yea, that's the good stuff right there |
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No, that's not my foot |
Friday, June 27, 2014
Post Modern Collapse
You've heard me go on and on about them (hey.....I say good things too)......so once again may I present for your funny bone pleasure
Cash only folks and the show starts promptly at 800ish, 845ish.......it really depends on when the smoke breaks end ;)
Cash only folks and the show starts promptly at 800ish, 845ish.......it really depends on when the smoke breaks end ;)
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Arden's Gardens
So I'm not supposed to eat spinach, or kale, or any dark green leafy vegetable.
Along with all the other crap the kidneys are wonky and I'm on an experimental drug (scarier than it sounds) so for the time being......no spinach.
Piece of cake, I mean it's not like they said "don't have a piece of cake", they said don't eat spinach
Righto, that is A OKAY, I can do that standing on my head.
So what do I wake up craving this morning..........Arden's Garden smoothie.
Yup blueberries, spinach with a scoop of protein........love it and totally craving it.
Craving a spinach smoothie......ok body that's enough.....time to be normal again.....thanks.
But I can have beet juice.
No seriously, it's awesome :)
Along with all the other crap the kidneys are wonky and I'm on an experimental drug (scarier than it sounds) so for the time being......no spinach.
Piece of cake, I mean it's not like they said "don't have a piece of cake", they said don't eat spinach
Righto, that is A OKAY, I can do that standing on my head.
So what do I wake up craving this morning..........Arden's Garden smoothie.
Yup blueberries, spinach with a scoop of protein........love it and totally craving it.
Craving a spinach smoothie......ok body that's enough.....time to be normal again.....thanks.
But I can have beet juice.
No seriously, it's awesome :)
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