Friday, July 5, 2013

Ah the fragility of us

It was Tuesday, June 25th. A pretty morning. The sun was shinning but it was not too hot.
I chose to open the windows and let the kitty lay in the sunshine.
He loves to do that.

My plan was to head to Athens GA.
The electrician and I had agreed to meet to discuss union dues, writing and the highs and lows of life.
He had some family conflicts so we rescheduled for Wednesday.

Great, I can run errands and get some general laying around done.

Later in the afternoon, neighbor Gary knocked on my front door
"Do you smell gas?"

There was no gas smell in my apartment but the main hall was bad.
We knocked on doors in a futile attempt to find the source when I piped up
"Let's just call the fire dept."

We headed outside to wait for the firemen and to get out of the potential bomb that
was now our home.

We heard the sirens and saw the fire trucks promptly turn the wrong way.

I headed down to the end of the driveway to flag them down.

I saw the trucks coming our way,
waived my hands in the air, like you do
and once I was certain they saw me
I turned to head back up the drive.

It was a mindless jog, nothing strenuous or active just that little hop/jog you do
You know, we all do it, its not anything.

Well three, maybe four steps in I heard an massive "POP"

I really can't tell you the feeling, it's not pain, it's the sudden realization that
you have just received a severe injury.
The brain just knows these things.

However, I have already had this injury....
13 years ago while running to catch a plane, same "POP", same realization.
Again it's not pain, the brain really does say "NOW YOU'VE DONE IT"

Oh yes, the injury. It's an achilles rupture.
The "POP" is exactly that.....
it snaps in two like a giant rubber band
and suddenly your foot no longer works.

Point your toe........
That is plantar flextion, the tendon that does that is the achilles.
If you have no achilles, you can't walk.
That toe pointing ability is what propels us forward when moving.

So my mission to find the source of the gas smell ended up being
an ambulance ride and a few hours in the ER.
Oh, there was no gas leak.
Who knows, what that was but they brought out the big truck
and all the tools and found nothing :(

For all my trouble I am know in a full, non weight bearing cast
scheduled for surgery next week.
Honestly I am looking at the bright side of this.

My family and friends have been amazing.
Bringing me food and helping me clean the house.
I am very grateful.

So this is what my poor little leg looks like
 (warning, it's ugly).
 Well, to be honest, its now in a pretty pink cast but this is what it looked like when the surgeon took the splint off

and this is a great article about the amazing achilles if you are interested

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