Saturday, December 21, 2013


Most people don't know this, but I've been emotionally dead since 2010.

No seriously, I lost the man I thought was the love of my life (he wasn't) and basically shut off all

Well I didn't exactly shut them off.......I ate them.

I ate everything, all the time. I just did not care about anything or anyone, especially myself.
Looking back now it almost feels like I was asleep.
Yes, I went to work and hung out with friends but I was completely unconnected to everyone and everything.

Pathetic, I know.

Well last spring things started to change.
I began to see myself.
I know it sounds impossible but I truly did not see myself for almost 3 years.
I did not see myself in the mirror, in pictures, even in my own minds eye.
I ceased to exist.

I don't know why I suddenly "woke up" but I honestly feel I would be gone both emotionally and physically had I not.

I began to "see" myself again.
I wasn't happy with what I saw, so I started to do something about it.

Although I still have a ways to go,
(you eat pizza and ice cream everyday for almost a year and see how big you get)
I'm thrilled to report that as of today I have lost 74 pounds!

2013 has been one of my most challenging years but also one of my most trans-formative.
It's been hard, sometimes too hard, but I think I have learned more about myself and what I am capable of.
I know that no matter how hard things get or how bad things seem, I can make it through.
(and I think I'll have my skinny a$$ back next year :))

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