Friday, June 6, 2014

Stop Being Weird


Dating part.........duh

Yeah so I've been dating a lot.
It's been fun and not fun and...."I'm sorry you want to WHAT!?!"
and overall just a really busy crazy time.

But I have one question......when did men start being so weird?
Don't get me wrong I have met some really stellar guys.
Some that are wonderful and charming and even keepers.

And then there are the others.
The one's that forgot dating is supposed to be fun and apparently "hormonal psycho" is not just for women anymore.
Remember when guys were guys and you knew when you hit it off.
Not hard to decipher.
Not a whole lot of mystery.
Not "hey I'm going to share all my pain and misery with you because woman like sensitive men, right?"
When I am "your girl" you can be super sensitive. Yes, please, share your thoughts with me. I want to KNOW you, everything about you.
But when we are just "dating" and having fun.....lets just do that, shall we.

I get these long drawn out....blah,blah,blah messages when all I asked
was "hey man, I'm free tomorrow, you wanna grab dinner?"

What does the "paradox of the last three years" have anything to do with ribs at Fox Brothers and how did you fit all that in a text.
You don't like ribs, that's cool.........Six Feet Under? No, OK you pick the place.

I'm just looking for dinner and maybe a little suck face after....not too complicated.

I am really sorry that your wife left you 5 years ago, or that your last girlfriend was a nut-ball or that your best friend "stole" the girl you were "stalking" for a year or that you have no friends and have not left your apartment since "she" took the dog but lets be clear....I don't care.
Seriously, I'm not trying to be cold but I DON'T CARE.

I have more painful, scary sh*t in my head than you can imagine but I don't go around polluting the world with my "misery". (I put it on a a civilized person)

Besides, airing all your crap is boring.
Seriously, it's boring. I know, you're life sucks, so does mine so does everyone else's but for the moment
can we suspend that reality, have a few drinks and laugh at the waitress with the buck teeth.
Why is that so hard.

When I meet one of you that I want to "be serious" with I will end this; good time, don't bring me down, are those shots? fun filled summer.

Until then, can you all stop being so weird, shut it and start the bike.....DAMN!!!

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