Monday, June 9, 2014


I love a bargain and a great T dress.

Yes, that is what they are called, T dresses
Ask anyone who knows me very well and they will say,
"Oh, that's a T dress" whenever they see one in a catalog or store.
V or scoop neck, empire waist, above the knee......T dress.

Well one of the horrible things about gaining all the "my boyfriend just dumped me, married someone else and then died" weight is that I could not shop at thrift stores.

I know, I know "thrift stores make me itchy", "ewww, you wear used clothes", "I just can't do that"
That's fine you don't have too, but don't get upset when we have on the same White House Black Market dress and I paid $5.00 for mine.
Don't even try to tell me you got it on sale cause even then I know you spent at least $80.00.....and that's a 50% off sale.

Oh yeah, and the really cute one of a kind vintage bag that I'm sporting.......$7.00......BOOM!!

Well with the sporadic running, zero appetite and the "I'm so sorry, there really isn't a whole lot we can do other than make you comfortable" illness I am back into thrift store sizes.

I went to one of the best thrift stores in town Friday just to test things out and was oh so richly rewarded

I left there with a $40.00 bag of treasure.
Anyone who thrifts knows that $40.00 at a thrift store will get you an entire wardrobe.
It was awesome. I have T dresses for days and some in sizes I did not think I would ever see again.

Thank you running, thank you lack of appetite, but mostly thank you, thank you rich ladies of Atlanta.
I will gladly wear your hand-me-downs (and look good doing it)

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