Sunday, August 4, 2013

Pain Insomnia

OH MY GOSH!!!!! Why oh why does recovery hurt so bad.

Sorry its just that it's 2am and once again I am so uncomfortable I can't sleep.
You see I am now in the "lets move your leg" portion of my Achilles rupture issue.

The great Doctors have taken me out of the cast (THANK YOU!!)
and have put me in what can only be described as an industrial boot meant for a futuristic terminator.

Seriously, it's massive, it weighs a ton and it takes two hands to unvelcro the velcro.

Don't get me wrong, soooo grateful to be out of the cast.
I can take the boot off, I can shave my sad little leg (I would've passed for an Eastern European, no lie), I can put lotion on and I can scratch

Oh dear lord yes, I can scratch!!!!

Scratching, as I have recently learned, is extremely under appreciated.

Think about it.

Imagine not being able to touch a part of your body for an extended period of time.

(HEY................all you sickos that when off into dirty land come back, that is NOT what I meant)

Think about how many times a day you just innocently touch yourself.
Scratch your elbow, rub your head, scratch the bottom of your get the idea.
It's just a normal every day thing that we take for granted.
In fact, we scratch so often that we have invented bizarre "dance" moves to scratch our delicate areas in public.
Guys, have you ever seen a woman shift in her chair and then cross her legs eight million times and then shift again and then use the arms of the chair to lift her entire being off the seat.

Sorry to burst your bubbles fellas but she is not overcome with desire for you,
she just has a little tickle in her undercarriage and is trying to demurely take care of it.

I know demurely getting rid of an undercarriage itch is lost on most men.

Oh and another thing, don't give me the whole "I don't care if a girl scratches in public, it's not a big deal"

Oh really, oh ok......So lets just say you see a really hot girl walking around a shop. She's beautiful and you can not stop staring. Suddenly, she reaches down and begins to scratch her crotch like an overheated baseball player........Exactly.

Where was I....oh yes....das boot.

So yes, the boot does come off and technically I could sleep without it but every time I try to sleep without it, the pain is excruciating.

I have had to develop a crazy pillow tower to rest the massive boot on which is not comfortable nor conducive to sleep.

I anticipate many more rambling middle of the night posts..........try to contain your excitement ;)

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