Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My Mom founded a school

This past Sunday my baby brother graduated from high school.

Yes, I said high school!
He is 17, I am 42, we are an unusual family.

It was cool having a baby in the house. I don't remember Cam being a fussy baby but thats probably because he was always held. Between my parents, my teenage brother who still lived at home, me and the prince (my other brother), Cam had 5 adults around him at all times. He cried,  sombody picked him up.
Hmmmm, there may be something to this whole village thing.

The only time I ever remember having a problem with my baby brother was his first birthday.
We share the same birthday
AUGUST 7TH (mark your calenders.......green is my favorite color, blue is a close second and I like shiny things ;))
Sitting at the dining room table looking at this adorable baby sitting in front of a cake, I was.............jealous.

I know, it's stupid, jealous of a babies first birthday, how self centered can you be!
I'm not proud of my emotions at that moment, I had to regroup and then had a chuckle with the prince about it. I celebrated with everyone, it was a great day but it was just............strange.
My inner lioness had a moment, I'm not perfect.

Well as the years passed my parents decided that they would home-school Cam


This did not sit well with the prince and I.

All I could think of was the "success" my mother had in teaching me at the dining room table
Teenage girls are fun.

But, my mother has been an educator most of her life and the Dr,Dr,Dr does have 3 PhD's so they might be able to pull this off.

Not only did they pull it off but three years ago they founded a school!
There are actual students and classes and teachers and all kinds of stuff going on.
They even have PE and art!
How many schools today do you know that still have PE and art?
Not many.

Not only that, but my baby brother stood up in front of an auditorium of his family, strangers and most importantly his friends and cried about how much he loves his parents!

How cool is this kid!?!  (and lets not forget the folks)

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