Sunday, May 26, 2013

Smart Phone

I don't want to get a smart phone.

I know, they're great, I can get all of my information in one place.

I can stay in touch with everyone at all times and get all the information I need with a swipe of my finger.

That's terrific, but here's the thing...........maybe, just maybe, I don't want to stay in touch with everyone at all times......
maybe I would rather stumble upon something instead of finding the perfect sushi restaurant/pottery barn/boutique chocolate store within 100 feet of my exact location with a swipe of my finger.

I recently had what I though was a humorous exchange with one of my neighbors. We ran into each other at the coffee shop and she asked me for a number.

I did not have my phone on me (DUNDUNDUN)!!!
"someone call the authorities, there is a woman on the lose without an electronic device strapped to her!"
"Isn't there a law against that!!!!"

Yes, I sometimes leave my home without the security of a cell phone!!
No, I am not insane, I am not asking for trouble, I am not worried "what if something happens!?!"

You see I, like many people my age, did not carry a phone on my body at all times until I was about 30 and I made it that far without losing a limb (well I lost the use of the right leg for about a year, but that's another story)
I figure, leaving my house to walk to the drug store and then get some coffee is not necessarily going to result in an emergency situation. And maybe, just maybe, I want to walk in silence and not talk.
Don't look so shocked.........
Yes, I am female.........
No, I don't always have to be talking,  I usually enjoy silence (or music)

My "contract" will allow me to upgrade at the end of this week. I am certain that I will cave and I will get a shiny new smart phone.

I am also certain that within two days of getting the shiny new smart phone, it will look like this.
Because every time someone hands me their "great new phone" it has some sort of crack!
Really, you can't make a 500.00 phone that doesn't crack, my crappy phone has been dropped at least 100 times over the years......still works/no cracks........just saying.

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